So they chop up the original game so they can sell them as DLC and now they are chopping up the DLC so they can encourage blind impatient fanboys into Pre-Ordering the damn thing.
Its like some kind of cosmic sized joke. I am waiting for Deej and Bungie to come out and say "GOTCHA! Here is the real game guys with the real storyline intact! Enjoy!"
I was dumb enough to pre-order your game and its season pass and you served up a steaming pile. But now you are gonna ask me to pre-order your [b][i]$40[/i][/b] "expansion"?
Yeah sorry I have a soul and I have a brain. I'll pass.
Normally I would make a huge thread talking about how shady and pathetic this move is and how big of a joke this game has become but I think in this case the majority of the community can see whats going on. They just keep milking and milking, taking and taking.
I just don't know what else to say than are you serious Bungie?
You guys remember any of this?
- "Rich cinematic storytelling"
- "Periodic PvE and PvP oriented events"
- "Explore the solar system"
- "See that over there?...."
- "Make your guardian unique"
Yeah...never Pre-Ordering again Bungie.
EDIT: Wow some of you people would buy sand from Bungie if you were standing on the beach.
See you when you buy TTK
Title said Bungie can't resist chopping up dlc. Read the entire post(unfortunately), did not provide any link to dlc getting cut into several pieces. Nothing.
I preordered Fallout 4. Couldn't be more happier.
Bought the collectors edition as soon as it was announced.
Tbh I'm gonna buy it cause I ain't playing no Call of Duty, and No Man's Sky looks nice, but it's till an indie title with no release date... But OMG as I write this I just realized Fallout 4 is a thing oh my god
[b]#ButtHurt[/b] there fixed
"I would make a huge long post" U did lol Ok glad your not buying it. Maybe one day the haters will be gone
Hah. buthurt about spending money hardcre. get over it, quit poisoning the forums for people who can spend their money meant for entertainment purposes as dang well pleased. Muted
I think it's funny that so many people don't don't get into their heads that other people may have fun with the game. This has nothing to do with intelligence, if I enjoy a game, I play it and buy the expansions. Easy as that. I don't say that Destiny is perfect, or has a good story or something, but I have fun playing it together with my friends and we all already pre-ordered the taken king.
#satire post is #satire or OP is ignorant af, complains about pre-order bonus doesn't read fine print that states you will be able to earn the pack in-game starting 1.1.16. for the record people pre-order $60 games, if TTK provides as much content as surmised it would warrant a $60 price tag. git smart scrub git smart.
Damn what are they chopping out of this dlc cause if they chopped heaps I'll cancel my pre order
This game is cuts so much content. It had so much promise. :(
Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame in me. Not having it a third time
No proof, no care
Blah blah blah.... You know you are still going to buy ttk anyway, so give this shit a rest.
Edited by Mighty Joe: 7/28/2015 8:57:48 AMCompletely agree, i only have the expansion pass & game because it was a present. After playing the game i can say that it is fun in small doses, but when it comes to actually handing over my own money for this game? Thats just not going to happen, so even though i will play destiny from time to time i will not be expanding on my destiny experience when theres better games out there.
I said the same thing when i saw the pre order post. Fan boys will find anyone else to blame besides the developer. As if Bungie had no other choice but to work with Activision. Poor poor bungie, they dont want to rip the gamers off but big brother Activision keeps making them. Oh, And you can bet your bottom dollar the fan boys have already ordered.. Smh Whats next: Charging for extra vault space? A monthly Fee for accessing the destiny servers? Fan boys: " bungie, heres a blank check, write down any number and i will pay it".
I'm not buying it no matter what, let alone preorder that piece of shit.
It doesn't help that there story guy left and took the story with him
Kinda blew it on the 1st goal, but working super hard on reaching the second goal... Bungie was founded in 1991 with two simple goals: Develop kick ass games that combine state-of-the-art technology with uncompromising art, captivating storytelling, and deep gameplay. Sell enough copies of those games to fund our ongoing quest for total World Domination.
NEVER PRE-ORDER A DLC! Period! Why would anyone in their right mind pre-order digital content? Afraid it will sell out? The fact that pre-orders even still exist is a hold over from a time when only physical copies existed. Pre-ordering just enables producers/developers to be lazy and "cut content" if the pre-order numbers exceed expectations. Why do you think there is nothing from Bungievision about TTK except hype? Sure, Bungie releases information about new "abilities" and weapons, but do we know how many new missions, patrols, and quests there are? How about exactly how many new areas there are (not just backward versions of existing areas)? Until those questions are answered by Bungie I will wait on purchasing TTK, even if that means waiting until AFTER the release date. Hell, it is not like playing "day one" nets me anything special!
There is no point in preordering a game
I completely agree and its so sad when I go and look at the e3 2013 reveal commentary if you haven't seen it look... As you can see they removed trading, gambling, EARNING not RNG, changing environments and certain areas and a MOTHER F*CKING PLANET ARE YOU SERIOUS?! See Bungie your game had a gripping story and had interesting enemy's... until your done the tutorial... Then the fallen never climb and we never get any story or explanation about why we are dead and for how long.
I preordered the game and expansion. I've done everything in the game, I almost have a maxed grimoire, I'm only missing a couple of items I want. I'm not buying ttk, at least not until I can get it and 2 more dlcs for $20. I like the game alright, but when I preordered this game seemed like it was gonna be so much better. I'm not making the same mistake twice. I won't quit playing mind you, and if I got it as a gift I'd be happy. I'm not gonna put out $40 for half developed crap though.
Edited by McG: 7/28/2015 8:34:11 AM*claps* Give this man a round of applause! I agree 100% with what you are saying. I just hope people don't buy into (no pun intended) the hype that is currently out and the hype leading up to "The Taken King". People need to speak with their wallets. Don't buy this crap, don't allow companies like Bungie and publishers like Activision continue to peddle off their false promises and half-assed games anymore. It just shows you how bad the gaming industry is that a half finished game can go for $100 (with the DLCs) and a year later they still want another $40 (sorry UK, AU, Europe it's even more there). To be honest, it's not even the money that is the problem, it's the simple fact that they just try to play everyone like a bunch of fools. I'm just glad they pushed it off until September because you have the next cycle of holiday games coming out around then and we will actually have plenty of viable options to chose from. I know Fallout 4 will be well worth the $60 we spend on it because it will be a FINISHED game. Destiny is an absolute joke and anyone saying otherwise is either A) to addicted to admit it or B) to stupid to realize it.