...don't know the pain of the old days of playing as 26-29s. Bump if you remember the pain.
I do still run VoG at lv34 because its fun. But that doesnt mean i forget what it used to be like. Raiding was the only way to reach max level, now there is so many options it doesnt even show what the player knows anymore. But also good for variation, meh.
I remember my first normal run. I was a 26 using a Shingen.
I remember the pain. Last week I had a 31 saying he couldn't do the relic during atheon because he was too low level to survive. I said you do realize there was a time where everyone was level 30 or 29 and everyone could do the shield.
I remember running the VOG with all the cheese, the glitches, and trying to run my first raid with a doctor nope, final boss and unfriendly giant.
I see one of these posts about 5 times a week
VOG was amazing! I remember my first run, a random person in the tower invited me. Got lost getting to the first chest! Lol It was a nightmare following his instructions but to be fair to him, he stuck with this team of noobs and me. I cannot remember what my drops were but I can remember at the end thinking! -blam!- that was good! Still great to do now, I wish they'd release a higher level version to bring the challenge back!
3 times a week still
It's funny every time I raid now and go on lfg I'll put up there how many I need and to send me an message if they want to join and every message is like, LEVEL 34 MAXED GALLY INVITE ME Really? I don't care if your a level 2 with white weapons. Just come join and don't be annoying lol
I wasn't pain... It was a challenge... Which is what a game is meant to be... And either way, doing vault as a 29, you was still a LVL above what the enemies were, as at the time, they were all LVL 28, so the people that struggled as a 29, then they should've taken the game back to the shop there and then and bought minecraft... Even with a team of 3 28's and 3 27's it was easy, challenging at times (especially the confluxes!) but easy if everyone knew what they were doing, and that's without any cheese!
The pain was being stuck at 29. I miss it though. Didn't get to 30 with my Titsn until the day before TDB came out. Felt accomplished. Then TDB came out and ruined everything. Thanks for paying here's your 32.
No legendary weapons for me, the first legendary that i had, was atheon's epilogue! That was so hard, so hard to open the VoG, damn best memories
Level 25. Best time of destiny IMO. Nice to learn the raid
7 hour hard mode raid fml just fml
It was such a bitch to get through
I do it now just for fun. Just once a week because it's still the best thing in the game. Skolas is second but it's a big drop off. I've started doing it on my sons Xbox one(I have a ps4 for my account). Usually it's with a bunch of his friends who haven't done it and it's fun passing the torch and listening to them cheer when they get the loot.
The pain of seeing all my regular raid buddies getting the Vex dropping for them like snow in the early day's. Had a few myself now but that really pissed me off, especially when they would make a big deal over telling me they had just dismantled it!!!
Oh, I remember it. It's just that I'm level 34 noe
A good chunk of us who are those levels did vog back when it first came out. So we do know the struggle of running the raid at a lower level.
So painful. Long nights.
The stories of pain kept me away from raids until recently.
Seeing as I did my first vog as a lvl 25. Yes I remember it well. So refi loudly easy now as a 24 with 365 weapons.