...don't know the pain of the old days of playing as 26-29s. Bump if you remember the pain.
My first hard VoG run was right after TDB. I was 27, we had 1 32, 1 31, and 4 28- Took forever
I didn't even enter VoG until I was level 27 I think. I knew the enemies were level 28 so I worked to get gear to be useful. Then you get people coming in at level 24 who were useless. Killing Atheon when half the fire team was multiple levels down was a struggle. But boy did it feel rewarding when you finally got through three or four teleports and finally took him down. Its not the same when he goes down almost immediately.
Rember running it when I was 25, with 1 legendary weapon, and got praedyth and found verdict from the Templar. The struggle was real
Back in my day gas cost 15¢ and that lasted your whole life!
In the old days, we would take time from our beloved cave. Get a team of sun singers and go solar grenade the vault. Those were the days. Seems like it was only literally 10 months ago. Oh these bones.
It took time but I still love this raid
Edited by firestarness: 7/27/2015 5:45:17 PMI remember. It was tougher but still has a blast. Nice people to. No ghallahorn Elitists back then.
Just did hard vault today on my 30 hunter.
The [b]old days?[/b] You mean like.... [b]10 months ago? Haha[/b] Yes I can remember.
The first time I went in there, my fire team dragged my lame, insta-dead, level 26 ass through it and I came out with my first exotic item. That was kinda painful, but it got better.
I run vault level 34 and do remember the pain. Took 2 hours to open the door my first run when I was a 26
How many times ran & the dang chest piece would never drop for my Hunter. 29 till Crota:(
Remember how hard it was to kill a pratoriean as a 26-29.
Bump. Got my flawless raider as a 30 in the VoG
My first VOG was when I was level 27
#forever29 BC I couldn't get the damn boots.
God yes.
I did t in TDB, but I did hard with most 29's back then
Forever 27