You people calling everyone sheep are annoying don't you realize it is you who is a sheep jumping on the bungie hate bandwagon posting the same stuff 200 people said before you?
No matter what you say or think we're going to preorder it an we're gonna play the living hell out of it.
If you don't like destiny why are you on our forum?
I don't hate BungieVision, I'm just not getting sucked in as I did first time around. Pre ordered the ghost edition, big mistake, that's what happens with the hype!! So I will kindly wait for reviews on these forums and if it feels like it's good then perhaps I'll buy it if the reviews are bad, not a chance. Besides this game is pretty much toast anyway, if all they have between September 15 2015 when TTK comes out with 2 expansions up to September 15 2016 with the possible launch of D2, they might as well start shutting things down.
This. Entitlement and conspiracy theories have gotten out of hand.
To troll fan boys
then you are the basest of humans and need to have your access to the internet cut off.
You are the cause for successful corporate greed destroying the future of gaming. (Throws money in your FACE!! )
I haven't pre-ordered TTK, nor do I intend to. your move.
/golf clap
ahem, when doing some kind of action on the internet, always proceed and follow said action by an asterisk, as seen here: *facepalm*.
Upon closer have not done shit in destiny. Hahahha. Later.
oh noes, whatever shall I do! someone decided that a fitting response to my pointless and admittedly somewhat rude correction on the standard method of internet roleplay was to insult my Destiny characters.
Also...not even lvl capped on all your toons, you now go in the trash pile. Keep talking.
You've never played a real MMO. Lol.