How are they chopping up Taken King? I haven't seen any evidence that this is the case.
Also, if you didn't like teh original game then why do you care about this expansion? and if you do still care, what price did you want to pay? you clearly feel like $40 is too much (even though we still don't know all of the expansion's content), so what price seems fair to you? $20? $15? $10? I'm guessing that the answer to this question is "free".
The answer to this question is; The gaming community as a whole must stop pre-ordering. It's not a matter of money at this point. It is the principal that gaming companies and gaming publishers can just throw together Maybe 2 weeks worth of content and replay ability, market it as a whole new game, then proceed to rake in funds from NOT EVEN RELEASING CONTENT. They then decide to play that card they have in place, "Material subject to change.", so they then change the unknown content which they released little information on into future DLC. But wait, as the consumer we already paid the $$ for the product so we get what we deserve! Wrong. That's not how business works. If you can make money with minimal effort, you use minimal effort to rake in piles of cash while trying to extend your game as much as you can.