...don't know the pain of the old days of playing as 26-29s. Bump if you remember the pain.
Most people would rather run vault than Crota. It encourages teamwork, it's long and it generally has a better atmosphere. When I run it, everyone I'm with seems to lighten up. We usually don't attach each other. What puts most people off now a days is the elitist society. "Must hav gally" "33+" "must be able to drive a stick shift car off a cliff while pulling 360 no scopes on Atheon" [spoiler]maybe not the last one[/spoiler] I can remember being forever 29. I could never get the materials or the armour drops I needed to get to 30. Even after TDB dropped I still ran vault because I couldn't get the marks to buy vanguard armour. Forever in our hearts, you shall not be forgotten.