Phogoth. Gulrot. Ogres. I know. It's not what I mean when I say thrall boss.
Grow up, open your mind and get imaginative and creative.
Honestly, these guys aren't getting enough love. Hardest ones to kill are (maybe) on a nightfall and they're dying in 2 shots anyway.
Just this big ass thrall commander that's super hard to kill. Maybe one that's not savage and can talk.
What do you think?
[b]Edit 1: I understand ogres are thralls that have been through modification, but you get my idea. No need to get technical.[/b]
[b]Edit 2: suggestions: shank boss (walker?), harpy boss (gorgons?)
Keep 'em coming [/b]
Mini dregs flying on shanks. Livinghacker.
That will be all.[/b][/u]
Edit: explanation for peoplr who didn't already realise this:
[quote]For people saying Phogoth = ogre = thrall. You're trying to be clever but it's not working.
Yes Phogoth = Ogre but Ogre =/= Thrall
Ogre = Modified Thrall, not thrall.
If I modify some potatoes into fries and you ask for a potato would I hand you some fries? No? Then phogoth is not a thrall.[/quote]
Well if that's the case. A dark arena filled with lamps. Like the abyss. Excepts there's no path. Just one big plain area. How you get here is by dropping in from the top. Once inside multiple thralls are everywhere. Except there is one huge thrall. The size of an ogre.( I know ogres are thralls just enraged and vodo stuff) You must kill thralls while running away from the large thrall. But run in certain directions without a lamps and you are going to die because of the weight of darkness. The a cursed thrall will come called " Light carrier". Killing him will unleash a large wave of light, giving the team the ability to hurt the thrall( Note: you can't hurt him without the cursed thrall). Killing the boss will give everyone, a ritual key. Which then can be used to access a room within the dreadnought. Inside will be a unique weapon of somesort