Whatsup gaurdians!!
Some of you might already know us. We are The Exceptionals! If you don't know us yet, then definetly check out our main clanpage [b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/907408/0/1/0]here[/url][/b].
But, we are not here for the main clan right now!! That's right. We are here because we are, right now, recruiting for our brand new Exceptional PvP-clan! Do you have what it takes to become Exceptional?!?!
[b]"We are Exceptional. We are not here to help, we are purely here to dominate, to wreck, to smash and to crash other gaurdians in the crucible!"[/b] We are here purely for PvP play. We enjoy it alot and are very dedicated to it!
[b]Interested!?[/b] check out the requirements [b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/1114080/138595205/0/0?ab=0]here[/url][/b]. Basicly the requirements consist out of the following:
[i]> Skill
> Dedication to the game
> Activity
> Community involvement
> An introduction
> In some cases a tryout[/i]
And don't worry, if you don't meet the strict pvp-bound requirements there might be a spot for you in the main clan! We like to do pvp there too! Just less competitive!
Any questions? Feel free to hit me up for some extra info!
Hope to smash some gaurdians with you soon!!
Peace out!
I'd love to join. I'm a VERY good PvP player. I'm told by anyone I run into that I'm the best they have played with. Just got a PS4 so I haven't flawlessed yet and my stats aren't great right now either
I am interested in joining you guys. Experienced and mature player who loves to pvp. PSN: AesopRockets Thanks!
Man you guyz look awesome and fun...Lol
Youre talking about 'exceptional' but then you yourself barely touch the title 'good'. I hoop the rest of your clans better than you.
An Exceptional bump! :)
I would like to join. Very experienced competitive player and great communicator. I got a 2.0 kd and would love to play with other great pvpers. Do you guys do sweaties or clan wars by any chance?
Sounds cool
Hey! We're taking people on Trials of Osiris runs and we are taking them to 8 wins if not flawless. Come join the fun @ Twitch.tv/channel_nine and we are giving away the spots in a raffle! Come spam us with lots and lots of CoolCats! They bring good luck for all of us ;d ****WE ARE ON XBOX ONE. SO IF YOU HAVE XBOX COME JOIN. Or just come spam some cool cats and enjoy the show! Good hunting guardians!
I want to join
Just bored need a few more people to run some regular control not iron banner. Chill people only no kids plz! We usually go over 3000 points each game. Add psn Aliengears
X2 2.0kd minimum players lf other banner players. Inv asap Bringer87
I'd like to play with you guys a couple rounds in crucible or something. I've been looking for an active pvp clan
I Would like to join, I only play PvP now and want a good team to run with, check out my stats on Destiny tracker and let me know,
Hello, I am very interested in joining as well, I battled back from a lower K/D. I am only 1.1 on destiny tracker. Could I possibly tryout or something?
Edited by Rachis: 7/29/2015 2:13:43 AMHello, I am Steven. I am interested in becoming a part of this team. I already sent a request to join the pvp group page. Lets see if we can wake a dormant monster. It's been too long since I had a group of friends to play crucible with. Below is my destiny tracker link to make that part of the process easier. http://destinytracker.com/destiny/crucible/ps/xRachis
Hows top 1% in kd sound? I'll add you and we can talk a bit more. I've decided I might be looking for other clan options that are specific to PvP but i'm going to be picky about it.
I would like to join hit me up on psn so i can talk to you I'm a brilliant pvp player on daily and highly experienced
To make things a lot easier, and if you want in, add me on PSN. And send me a message saying you want in the PvP clan
Hey:) I have the last 3-4 months mainly been playing PvP and looking for an competitive PvP oriented clan. Been playing FPS games since 2007. If you want to try my out so just inv me to some games.
Sick vid!!
Nice cocks!!
This is really dope!