I was assuming you are a kid because you just type and comment whatever that comes to mind first without reading the post itself.
I apologize if you were harmed.
Cause I was being honest. A giant thrall isn't really creative. Your just rescaling the model, when you rescale the model it move slower and has the same AI as the thrall with maybe different power attacks. So pretty much ogres are thrall but bigger. I was only harmed due to the fact that the lack of creativity in the developer department when it comes to boss encounters so far.
Well people here suggested great things. For example, a maze with a thrall boss, you're on your sparrow, and he's chasing you. You need good driving skills to escape. if he gets you you lose/die.
Yeah but it's just another bullet sponge once your out if the maze. A better way of killing a boss is using surrounding like knocking over a pillar, collapsing the ceiling on him, make lava pour on him melting his body,ect. We always killed bosses using guns. I know people make great things, but most likely will not be added unless your a streamer or very popular.
Yeah browse through the comments mate! Some greate strategies for boss were suggested. Highly recommended