I have studied the hive and other species closely and after brief conversation with a fellow inquisitive gauridian I was inspired to share my finding regarding the life cycle and mating practices of the various life forms that so many guardians have done battle with.
Today we take a closer look at the hive.
The hive have reached their current form after years of manipulating their genetics through the use of both science and arcane dark magic.
In most instances it is suggested that the hive are created through almost artificial means.
It may be that they are actually grown and incubated in cacoon like containers which can be found on the moon. Sarcophagus like containers are also used for manipulating already existing hive.
As for new born hive it all begins when a predominately male form of hive comes to an agreement with a predominately female hive in most instances hive are paired and match by higher ranking hive in order to yield the desired results in their off spring. When both parties are ready and with a hive present to over see the process the ritual begins.
A large cauldron like container is set in a central point within the room both hive approach and begin to preform various contortions of their body, their muscles begin to pulsate at this point any armor pieces that are not permanently fused to their bodies falls away and is collected by an attendant. They approach each other standing face to face breathing heavily a strange bile like substance begins to excrete from various orifices of the hives anatomy mostly in and around the head (at this time it is still not comepeltely certain wether or not hive have an anus as many have been found with out, some theoris suggest they are removed while others suggest that they have them grafted on later by choice and are not "born" with one) this bile is collected and in ritual manner each hive places a portion of the bile into the others mouth and begin to circle the cauldron. As they circle they begin grunting and snarling at each this escalates and becomes louder until they stop circling and begin screaming and roaring at each other this aggressive display continues as the attendants under the guidance the afore mentioned proctor begin to approach behind them with a set of stairs that link to the cauldron the pair all while screaming hoist themselves up and and while on all fours roar louder and begin to projectile vomit most of which deflects off of their faces and into the cauldron. At some point a que is given and they begin to stand while the vomiting continues. They stand very erect and their abdomins pulsate and an opening begins to show this tare increases in size and oozes an unknown substance which is followed by as of yet unidentified object. The objects fall into the cauldron and the two hive are lead into a tomb like structure that floats slightly above the ground similar to the sarcophigie found in the hell mouth what happens in the tomb is unknown however the sounds suggest a violent interaction between the two hive.
The overseeing hive then takes the cauldron and places a lid atop it to this lid various artifacts are attached the cauldron now with a look very similar to a very large kanopec jar/urn is transported to another sight. At this time it is not entirely clear what process the vessel undergoes however in another area containers matching the massive Urn can be seen being emptied into a large oval dish a not completely formed hive in the rough shape of a thrall tumbles out onto the dish. This form then is examined closely and based on this inspection it is directed to other locations to under go further examination, termination, incubation or experimentation. Only the highest ranking hive have ever been seen to interact with what is theorized to be their own off spring. The lowest ranking hive have never been seen to under go this process procreation at all.
As further information is learned I will be sure to share with my fellow seekers of knowledge.
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