Team Size: 3v3 [alternative 6v6 w/ or w/o revive]
1 life per round; revived enabled. A hybrid of the two indisputably best Gametypes.
Revised Timers
New Salvage Zone Spawn Time (if first is disarmed): 15 sec (was... Idk)
Arm Relic: 5 sec, regardless of # of teammates in radius (was 10- in normal Salvage)
Relic Defend Time: 30 sec (was 45)
Time Limit: 120 sec + OverTime
Overtime: Salvage Style
.REVIVES: Enabled; as seen before, w/ wait timers and OverShield
.All salvage zones are between each team's spawn. For example, Pantheon could have zones on the raised center platform, the lower heavy spawn, and the upper heavy spawn.
.Score to Win: 7
.Round End Condition: Any points are acquired; overtime ends; all Guardians killed, as in a tie
...Tiebreaker: see below
Relic armed and held until end of timer: 2
Relic armed, foes eliminated: 2
All of the Above: 2
All foes eliminated: 1
*Event of both teams eliminated/ end of overtime: If a team had control of the Relic, that team gains one point.
If not, neither team scores and the round ends.]
.Special Ammo: Round 1 starts all Guardians w/o special ammo. Soecial ammo Slawns in as it does in Elimination.
.Heavy Ammo: Upon one team reaching five points (their 3rd, 4th or 5th win), heavy ammo will spawn. Meaning the last round could potentially be the heavy ammo round.
.-Objective Rewards:
Relic Armed: Overshield and super energy awarded to all who successfully armed this Relic. OS is as strong as the revive ones and lasts 10 seconds or until destroyed.
Relic Disarmed: Super energy equivalent to that gained via arming, but limited to only the Guardian who disarmed.