Just so were all clear, DLC on bungie.net stands for Disk Locked Content. you are paying for a game you already have, 3 times over. so stop assuming your downloading anything morons.
Bump that shit
Yep that's why downloads are so small
Ttk requires you to have 40gb free.....
Lol well maybe this is the first TRUE DLC.
So explain those multi-gig updates a few days before the DLC?
You know that....people glitches into DLC content before the updates....
Yeah exactly my point! Don't you find it weird that everything downloads a couple days before? Never seen that done before by another company.
Nope. Im used to slow, chuggy, inconveniently long downloads on launch day as everyone hammers the servers to get it straight away. This way seems much more convenient. If its ready to rock n roll a week or two in advance, why not pre-load it into peoples games so that on launch day they only need a little bit of data to open it up? ;p
Well the areas are already unlocked. The extra content is what is so big.
So there are big downloads and extra content, meaning its not all on-disc? Glad we cleared that up. Toodle-pip! [unfurls umbrella and flies away]
Edited by Hennaikimon0: 7/28/2015 4:51:14 PMWe already knew this it was hashed out when game dropped the first time if you don't like it gtfo and get off my game
Mute for the truth lol
Exactly lol