"The people hunting me, are...were my family. The fiv- four of us were raised in the southern continent, where we were trained/raised by monks. We traveled the world to learn how to become the ultimate weapon. We were a counter terrorist group. But that ultimately changed when...one of our members Celeste died. The mission went south...
"The lady who took me was Blaise. She's where I learned how to do this", I say snapping my fingers summoning a small flame.
"But there's more. Tessa my other sister. She's the fastest and out of all of us. She taught me about lightning.
"....but the one you have to be worried about is my brother Malachi. Compared to Shift, Zhackie, Phantom, and I combined, he makes us look pathetic. He could lift this city if he wanted to. And Barbotine, Rantanium, resistance? That doesn't stop him."
((Going to sleep, brief me soon yo))
"I can assure you right now, I will not be joining any sort of crusade any time soon, that leaves ofew alternatives" He says as he leans on the wall. "We either fight them, avoid them, or convince them they're wrong"
"Zhackie, let's warp to the cave. We'll continue our discussion there".
He walks over to you and begins to concentrate his energy for a Warp.
Edited by DesertX963: 7/28/2015 5:57:00 PM"Arguing with Malachi only gets organs removed. The man was a monster".
A smile."What about the others?"
"Your sisters"
"....Blaise will probably roast your flesh. Tessa...well how many volts can you take Zhackie"?
"Not into the kinky stuff, guess chatting them is out of the question then" He replies with a shrug.
"Don't tell me you plan to hit on them."
He arcs an eyebrow at the question. "Why would I do that?" He smiles, "Believe me, two psions rarely make a good match"
"Hit on them or not just don't get your ass kicked."
"What's a master psion "
"Well shit"
Edited by DesertX963: 7/28/2015 5:49:31 PM"If they show up....when they show up, we need to be ready. "As for Malachi, If he appears anywhere, run", I say in complete fear.
"How the hell do we fight them?"
"How do we fight them?"
"3 Master Psions....I don't know. The best I can say is try not to die". "Until they show, let's not worry about it. We have bigger problems at hands. Crane".
Edited by EvoTymes: 7/28/2015 6:05:16 PM"Great we have 3 damn near gods hunting you guys down who take no shit form anybody and we have an asshole picking shots at us. Just great." [b]He says this annoyed [/b]
"Yes he has been a problem recently"
"That clown? Has anyone here figured out what his grudge against us is all about?"
"I wish I knew"
Zhackie walks in, just in time to hear your brief. "Anti terrorist eh? What could hey possibly want with a corruption-fighting bigshot lawyer such as yourself if they're supposedly good guys?"
"Well, they were anti-terrorist. Now they're terrorist. They want me, you, Shift- any Psion to join them in their crusade."