This could be an interesting idea. Maybe make a race against time boss. Like there's a Thrall that's about to be evolved into an Ogre the likes of which we've never seen, and it's up to us to prevent that from happening.
Like there's a Thrall with Wizards linked to it to evolve it, and we have to kill the Thrall before it becomes and Ogre, and killing Wizards increases the timer. Could be interesting.
I like your name, just saying :3
Do I spy another Alec? :D
You spy correctly sir! :D
It's always nice to meet another Alec.
It is! All the Alec's ive met have been nothing but nice friendly people! I know i am haha even moreso since my last name is literally Friend.
Can't get much friendlier than Alec Friend haha. I also am a nice guy. Often to my detriment.
How can being nice be a detriment? If others cannot accept your niceness then they obviously have a problem :)
Sometimes people take advantage of nice guys. Makes me sad, but being nice is pretty much always the way to go; you're right. :)
Thats terrible! Im sorry if other Guardians have taken advantage of you :( ive never had that happen to me but i can imagine how shitty that can be :/
Actually, I've never had a Guardian take advantage of my kindness. Just a couple of people outside of Destiny. I appreciate the concern. You're a very kind Alec!
Im just nice to others haha youre welcome anytime Alec. :D
This dudes a genius!!!!