[b]Here's How It Works[/b]
[u]Giving Away Invites[/u]:
If you're willing to give away invites please post below with your gamertag
Know that it can be taxing on time to volunteer for this and you must be willing to deal with the messages that come your way
Post In this Format:
Invite Limit: [How many people you're willing to invite before you quit]
[b]Open[/b]/[b]Closed[/b] [Open means you're still giving away invite. Closed is you've finished]
Be sure to update your comment as needed to keep from any frustrations due to misinformation.
[u]Looking for an Invite[/u]:
Search the thread for anyone who is [b]Open[/b]
If they're format states [b]Closed[/b] please be respectful and do not bother messaging them.
[b]Make it Easy on those sending invites[/b]
Don't ask them to message you unless otherwise stated. Simply send them a request via xbox live.
[b]Notice:[/b] You will know once you've been accepted as soon as you get an xbox live message stating such. It can take from a few hours to up to a month. Please be patient and do not pester the people sending invites. They have absolutely no control on the timeliness of the process.
[spoiler]Once I've been accepted into the program myself I will be open to invite as many people as I possibly can. My limit will be a week as soon as I have the ability to do so. I'll update once that time comes. [/spoiler]
I'll be sending out invites. Gamertag: Daddy Breotch Unlimited Invites. Open always.