[quote]Most of the time I won't finish a match. I'll just walk away from the controller. It's not something many players want to participate in, in the first place. But since we don't have an alternative, maybe figure out a way to play as something other then a clay pigeon. I will not waste time learning maps or gearing up for PvP. It's something I'm only doing for exotic bounties so why should I have to alter how I play and invest time in something I don't enjoy.[/quote]
This is part of a message I received on the topic of matchmaking and balance in this game and it highlights the issue of Bungie trying to balance this game for everyone. These are the type of players who go into PvP and, because they don't know what they're doing, because they don't know the maps, because they don't have any experience to fall back on, they piss and moan that the Crucible is broken, that it's unbalanced and unfair, that weapons are OP, that abilities like Shoulder Charge and Arcblade should be removed or nerfed.
It's absolute bullsh*t and yet these are the players that Bungie continue to placate in each new weapon tuning. I got my ass kicked more than I won when I started playing. After the first IB I had a k/d of .69. It took me until around 900 PvP kills to reach a 1.0 That's how it works, you play, you learn, you get better. Or at least that's how it's supposed to work, instead there's just too much, you play, you lose, you cry to Bungie to nerf the competition down to your level.
[b]All of you that constantly cry nerf are ruining this game and Bungie, you're flushing it right down the crapper every time you pander to their every whim.[/b]
I had another conversation today about Thorn and whether or not it is an OP weapon. Over the course of the last few months, that statement has been thrown around quite a bit by about 20% of the player base. What hasn't been established is verified proof of Thorn or any other weapon for that matter leading to more success in PvP.
In order to conclusively prove any weapon is OP, the first thing it would require are actual in-game statistics showing the average k/d and average scoring of Thorn users vs those of every other weapon. Those statistics do not exist.
What does exist is the stat that Bungie laid out with the update for 2.0 that 25% of players fired at least one round with Thorn in the last Iron Banner. That means exactly jack sh*t.
They actually phrased it that [i]25% used Thorn [/i]to try to bend the numbers to look more over the top, but not everyone who tried or used Thorn, used it exclusively (hence the actual claim should have been fired at least a round).
The other statistic and the Holy Grail of the nerf crowd is this Reddit thread
It's a pretty amazing piece of work and it looks like it tells quite a tale, but there are a couple of glaring problems with it.
1) It is numbers generated in a vacuum and not in the course of actual gameplay where there are many other factors that mitigate into who wins any particular encounter such as precision, RoF, magazine size, reload speed, map layout, cover availability, sight lanes and weapon variations.
2) While the TTK numbers look all pretty in red for the weapons they'd like to isolate by TTK, there is a massive discrepancy on the list in that Suros, Vex, TLW and Thorn are the only weapons listed multiple times and factoring in additional perks.
If you're going to tell me Thorn has a TTK of .76 with Aggressive Ballistics, then I want to see the stats for Coiled Hiss (with a .80 TTK) when you factor in Glass Half Full which I have on one of mine. Until you give us numbers for every possible perk/damage combinations then these numbers are meaningless.
3) This is from the actual Reddit thread and is a nice disclaimer that most probably never read.
[quote]Most importantly, Practicality
This is something very important to keep in mind, these statistics show weapons effectiveness on paper, and your experience in-game might be marginally different from what you see with these core numbers. Fact is your not going to hit only headshots and only bodyshots all the time. You'll most likely hit a combination of the two, and by doing some math yourself you can find out how many headshots you need to get maximum efficiency out of your gunplay (example: you only need two headshots on a Jigoku for it to be at it's maximum killing potential).
TTK isn't everything. For example, while some lower damage weapons have lower TTK, they also make up for it with higher rate of fire or really good range and accuracy (scout rifles). The more bullets you can fire down range, the more likely you are to hit your target. Each bullet increases your chances of a hit, and you should focus on what gun that suits you the best. While Suros Regime is an excellent weapon, if you miss a single headshot, then any other auto rifle will be able to kill you faster. This is why the Cydonia AR archetype is very popular because it is a incredibly versatile when it comes to TTK.[/quote]
This is the crux of why all the nerf bullsh*t is mostly just bullsh*t. Even though the OP was smart enough to know that what they're pedaling is mostly smoke and mirrors, they still follow this actual truth up with this stupidity
[quote]•The Abyss Defiant w/focus fire has the slowest kill potential of any weapon in the entire game. If you use this in PVP, I would recommend you don't.[/quote]
Here you pointed out that missing shots is critical when dealing with weapons where, at best in a completely sealed environment, their pure dps advantages are measured in the hundredths of seconds; and yet you ignore everything else to recommend people not use a weapon that is incredibly accurate and can fire uninterrupted for probably 5 seconds (another conveniently missing stat from the spreadsheet).
You can say all you want not to use it because it has a slower on paper TTK, but the fact is that in actual use it is a killing machine. I've stood face to face with a Thorn user and outgunned them with AD. You can't quantify the number of double kills you can rack up because you don't have to reload to take on a second opponent. These are things that this spreadsheet cannot show.
It can't quantify the advantage that 3rd Eye gives. If I have it and a Thorn user doesn't, who is generally landing the first shot? TTK in nullified before Thorn can fire.
So will 2.0 make the game more balanced? Maybe, maybe not. The more pressing question in my opinion is who are we trying to balance it for? Is it for PvPers who compete and have a clear advantage from a particular weapon? Or are we balancing it for the kids who won't try to use different weapons to see what they're good with or learn maps so they know where their weapons are most effective?
Last but not least, I'd like to see real stats, Bungie. I want to see the proof that Thorn trumped all in PvP (and don't just throw out ToO numbers, I want to see full Crucible stats from the games most of us play). Show us k/d. Show us scoring averages. Show us average kill distances.
The only bigger waste than your "number of users" statistic is the number of actual great weapons that you're going to ruin for no reason.
So at approximately 23 IB matches so far this week, I'm willing to bet I've died to Thorn less than 10 times. I've died to the poison twice and both times killed them too.
Give us detailed stats Bungie. At the end of IB, I want to be able to see what I died to the most and the least.
Bump. I am a new player, about 5 weeks now, and i have been saying this exact same shit. Everyone calls me a noob and says idk shit though because im new? What does that say for the rest of you? The new guy of 5 weeks can see how pathetic this community is. It is a mirrored image of society, especially society here in america. Complain and bitch and moan until everything is handed to you. No child gets left behind. Shit like this is a big part of why our society is slowly rotting away. No one has to work for shit anymore. Why work when you can cry and complain and get sh!t given to you for little to no effort? People such as this make me sick, and i find it appalling that no one will take the initiative to make them stfu and work for what they want and earn it. Bump bump bump the OP's post.
He is the Dragonborn
Surely this man is the dovahkinn
That guy is a goofball. Now about this balancing thing. The weapons need balancing. Not because some guy killed me in the face with Thorn, but because Thorn is a little too powerful. Did it need a buff originally? Yes, but not to the level they made it. Did all ARs need a kick in the crotch? No, but Suros needed to be tinkered with since it was a killing machine that dang near everyone was using at the time. I still use that bad boy because it works, even after being neutered so hard, it still has teeth. Do shotguns need a slight tinker? Yep. What I would love to see with shotguns is the ability to use slugs over pellets. You would have to aim the crap out of it, but if you hit someone, it will knock the crap out of them. Not kill, but they will need to get away fast. It would be a two shot per reload though. RiskVreward. But back to the whole argument about who Bungie is catering to. The weapons have needed work for months. They needed fine tuning and will continue to need fine tuning as time goes on. Blaming the changes on people who have issues doesn't really help the argument and I will be honest, I didn't read your whole post because I got bored. Feel free to do the same for mine. I don't blame the complainers for the changes. Bungie has oodles of data they can look through. They can tell what is being used and what isn't and a trigger for their research is when someone goes, "Hopscotch Pilgrim is OP". They check and see and if it is wrecking the joint, they will see about changes to it. As far as people purposefully wasting other people's time in Crucible, they need to be punched for it. If the matches are fair, I mildly enjoy Crucible. If people are cheating, my enjoyment is not there. If people purposefully waste my time, I do not like them. And luckily today, I had two reasonably pleasant matches of control in order to get my invective bounty finished. Miracles do happen!
I concur.
I have a theory. But first, weapon balancing was needed. I don't exactly like it when TLW can kill faster than heavy machine gun. A heavy weapon. Thorn was annoying. Gjhallarhorn was treated as an absolute necessity for players. Auto rifles needed to return. Anyways, they want variety in the crucible. Kinda like the original beta. It's also why they are downgrading the weapons perks in TTK. Which I'm fine with. Weapon perks seem to buff your characters stats now or was that armor? At least from what I saw. They also seem to be much less important. To be honest, I think this is a GREAT thing. No seriously. I do. When reforging showed up, everyone usually went for the same perks. Now that those perks aren't as important or going to be much less useful. Weapons won't really be different from each other, the only difference is the small buffs and it's weaker perks. I just hope full auto for shotguns stays. Shot package can die. Anyways, if weapons aren't really different from eachother, no one will constantly search for that one gun to kick absolute ass. Of course there is going to be a very powerful weapon in the crucible, but it's likely that other weapons will have a good chance at taking it on. Hopefully. Basically, they want you to rely on the gun stats now. Not the perks. But they want every gun to be equal. Not like that's ever going to happen, but I think I like this idea.
Your posts are too long.
So it's the PVE players' fault that Bungie is slowly FORCING PVP down everyone's throats? Exotic bounties literally FORCE people into Crucible. Faction Ranks and purchases FORCE people into Crucible (before HoW it was Vanguard Rep that ranked up factions, now it's Crucible Rep). The best endgame weapons in the game basically FORCED people to play (or cheat or get carried) through Trials of Osiris while the endgame weapons (IF they dropped) from Skolas are lackluster to say the least. You can't get mad for the unskilled to call for nerfs and/or Bungie for catering to them when Bungie themselves are FORCING people to play PVP when they otherwise wouldn't or would have no desire to play it. I'm one of those people (not a nerf-caller) because I RARELY play PVP in Destiny. However, I will tell you that the ONLY reason you'd see me in Crucible is because of an exotic bounty.
Edited by Arclight545: 9/6/2015 3:35:03 AMhttps://youtu.be/Q8nYvPL63UQ level BUMP!! Hell, it could be this one https://youtu.be/R5_9Gi7w19Y
Edited by RealHarryTruman: 9/6/2015 12:52:54 AMYes yes I agree, bungle is the master of the art of the nerf. It is a very useful skill especially when wanting to rustle butthurt kids jimmies. [spoiler]talking about the gally nerf[/spoiler]
He speaks, and the world around him changes
This man has the thuum, the voice of dragons
I'm gonna read it and orgasm again
Edited by SLothw3llington: 9/6/2015 12:51:06 AMThis man needs to be community manager
Everyone needs to see this
This shit needs to be read thoroughly
Beautiful. Like always
This game will become just another generic shooter like COD. The only thing that will differentiate you from other players is your level number, won't that be exiting.
When I read this entire bible of a post, I was almost itching to agree with you. It seem like we got closer and closer to the same page and then you dip to a position I can't agree with. When there is a balance issue, such as Thorn, people who "cry" nerf have a legitimate argument. Those people help Destiny. Then we have the other types of people who "cry" nerf, they want anything that kills them nerf'd, arcblade, golden gun, shoulder charge, bullets etc. I'm hoping this is the types of people you were referring to. Take Thorn for example. I need not to have any statistics to back up the claim its OP. For me, atleast, mostly because I go in the crucible and witness it's overpowered nature firsthand and any data Bungie scounds up will likely back that up. Thorn is tied for the second fastest fire rate among hand cannons. Has a range better than some scour rifles and many pulse rifles. A mid tier impact. One of the best stabilities for handcannons. A decent mag size. And good reload speed. It's signature perk takes out 35 HP of your health, out of 200HP alone. This leads to a two headshot kill, delayed shield regeneration, tracking behind walls, and unearned kills even after the user has perished. Tell me, Lost Sols or anyone for that matter, how such a weapon can be defended as balanced? And if a weapon isn't balanced, it should be nerf'd, such is the course. I will agree with you on this, the skill of the player who wants ______ weapon nerf'd either favors his opinion or doesn't. I wouldn't take someone who has a 14 DTR or a 0.96 KD opinion seriously. But someone with respectable stats, I might take into consideration. Unless his name is OG Pointzzzzz because he complains about everything. The incoming weapon balance will do nothing but make the crucible better (or usher in the reign of Hard Light, either one is better than the current meta). Final round is gone, shotguns are toned down, Thorn will be toned down, auto rifles will be buffed, high impact pulse rifles won't be sniping anymore, scout rifles get a buff, NLB gets a buff, Nechro gets a buff, Hard light gets a buff, Rockets in general gets a buff. Tell me again, how any of these changes, besides maybe making Hard Light a new OP weapon, could possibly be a bad thing? Nerfing and people who call nerfs in the right circumstances, are the people who [i]help[/i] the game. Such an absolute statement (a characteristic of a radical, Lost Sols) such as "people who call nerf ruin this game" is not exactly the right diction to describe the people who actually do ruin this game. People who are willing to stand up and tell Bungie "Hey, this isn't balanced" help the game. And thankfully Bungie only sees the post that most people agree with or "bump". If there was no nerfs at all, we'd have A crucible with a faster Average TTK than CoD, and who wants that? [spoiler]Sidenote: Agree with your opinion that TTK is not a reliable statistic. Mainly because it doesn't take in a host of factors that simply cannot be accounted for in the crucible. [/spoiler]
I'm confused. I could have sworn to Dog that this thread had an approval number of 200+ a day ago. Must be tired or something.