Watch the video. The lever action is clear. It has Tex Mechanica's logo on the stock.
This confirms basically 1 of two things.
This is an indeed an exotic shotgun.
Tex Mechanica is going to be a major foundry and start designing some retro themed guns
All I can say is;
[b]Fuçking awesome.[/b]
I bet that is a class specific weapon for the Hunter....Tex Mechanica wasn't listed along the 3 universal foundries available to all classes. Neither was Crux-Lomar and I forget the other one. They haven't revealed the class specific weapons yet but it would go against the universal thinking that the titan would have a class specific shotgun, unless there are class specific sets of weapons made up of the different foundries. L For example: the Hunter has a Tex Mechanica Shotgun, Titans a Crux-Lomar shotgun, and Warlocks have the one I can't think of shotgun (just using these as examples to demonstrate what I mean). The class specific weapons could also be a made from same foundry, or made up of different weapons from all the foundries. Like the Hunter has an Omolon Auto Rifle, a Hakke Scout, Suros Hand Cannon, Crux-Lomar Pulse Rifle, Tex Mechanica Shotgun, etc. They would obviously only be for that class and are designed the class's fighting style (example) That seems a bit far fetched with having different foundries make up different weapons for th class specific sets. I think one foundry making all the weapons for the class specific sets seem more plausible. Just some thoughts