A certain enigmatic girl walks into a Centra Gunz shop. She seems to be trudging, probably the result of the large duffle bag she was hauling over her shoulder. She looked like she could barely carry the thing. She walks over to the counter, pretty much out of breathe, she catches it and says "Parts". She opens the bag revealing the materials inside. "How ... much?" She asks as she uses her hand to wipe sweat from her forehead. ((Hickori plz, Revy needs moneh for her spicy food and lewd books))
[b]walks into the store[/b]
"That'll come up to 7,550 Credits." the cashier says as he takes the gear and pays you the owed Credits.
"Thanks chum" she clearly says now that she got her breathing under control. "Now, how much are 9mm bullets?"
"50 C each."
She thinks a good while, then says "I'll take 31 for 1,550 credits" She says as she upload the proper credits to the store, takes her bullets and walks out.
"5 batteries, 3 jackets, 3 krisboc rifles, 78 9mm rounds and a bunch of carbon fiber" she says. ((Bump))