And why? What do you have missing? Or will it be too much for you to complete by TTK?
Justin Bieber is so cute... HE IS MINE.
If you look at each planet it will show how many chests your missing on each planet.
Your In Luck!
If you need help completing Skolas or one of the activities I will help you if your on Xbox One.
Reply below if you need help and with what activities.
Thanks for all the replies! It's almost @ 4000 !
They actually have started to ask me about partnerships with Bungie so maybe i can make some money!
Thank you all. Cheers!
Waiting for last minute to get the last few gold chests.
Hard raids and chest
1 golden chest left, skolas 35
Not done any of the hard missions atheon,crota or skolas all my clan have completed them and only really play pvp now so cant see me completing them
Skolas. Just haven't had the time and when I do, my buddies don't and vice versa. I would like to do it with them, but might need to get a group on lfg soon.
I've done everything except public events. I still have 38 more to do
I need one more gold chest
How can I track my progress?
I'm missing 3 chests. I just learned how to check my triumphs 2 weeks ago. I never tried to complete any of it, those last 3 chests are the only thing I need. Everything else was done. I've no idea how I found 17 chests. I've never looked them up or anything. I guess I just got lucky. lol
Edited by Brandon: 8/7/2015 3:05:02 PMI...Honestly don't care. If anyone wants to see that I'm a "YEAR ONE GARDIAN!!!1!1!1!" they can look at my original copy of Destiny,or my Download History to look for the Beta. I was a guardian before your so called "Year One" craze.
I've been playing my PS4 version for nearly 7 weeks now and I've nearly done the lot! My Xbox one account has everything though
I didn't even have to try
I hated the +1 leveling on Crota HM that I did it 3 times to get most of the gear then quit till I was on level. It wasn;t too hard, I just thought that it was lazy game design. The only way to make it harder was to put the players at a permenent disadvantage Same +1 level disadvantage on Skolas. Guess what I haven;t done Skola yet either. I might try for it this weekend, just to get my moments of triumph but PoE has been such a cluster blam with people getting kicked from groups after they kill the boss, to no checkpoints and could be kicked out of the game by a random caterpiller, not to mention that the gear just plain sucks.
Me. Ill wait until the last day to get my golden chests. Too lazy
One chest
Still haven't done skolas and little bit lazy on getting the golden chest.
Never have enough time to finish skolas
I'm another in need of skolas. I need time and a good team.
I need 7 gold chests.
Just need Skolas. Stupid Skolas.
I wanna complete it but the emblem it looks like shit ... Idk if I wanna waste my time😕
Just need to do skolas...haven't really done much poe.....and been too lazy to do it...been pvping a lot
I need to do Crota and Skolas. Unfortunately a guy on my Skolas team who we have aptly nicknamed 'foetal position' does not deal with certain pressure scenarios very well. On the other hand Crota should be pretty easy
I haven't:(
Need to do public events