And why? What do you have missing? Or will it be too much for you to complete by TTK?
Justin Bieber is so cute... HE IS MINE.
If you look at each planet it will show how many chests your missing on each planet.
Your In Luck!
If you need help completing Skolas or one of the activities I will help you if your on Xbox One.
Reply below if you need help and with what activities.
Thanks for all the replies! It's almost @ 4000 !
They actually have started to ask me about partnerships with Bungie so maybe i can make some money!
Thank you all. Cheers!
Me! Cuz i have no dlcs
23 public events and skolas
I need two chests lolz
Skolas and chests
It's the raids and skolas that stop me sadly. *shrug*
Can I check this on the app? If so, where? Thanks for the help
I just need to kill Skolas and beat Crota on hard. I'm almost there
[quote]And why? What do you have missing? Or will it be too much for you to complete by TTK? Guess I'm just missing ONE chest . Really? EDIT; THANKS for the replies on this post, my god has it got large fast! Cheers to you Guardians.[/quote] Lol Skolas Too lazy and busy to do the chests
I need to do Skolas...
I'm just missing skolas. I'll probably be completing him this week.
Haven't done skolas and I need like one chest
Haven't done Skolas and will probably never do Crota on hard. Brb gonna be playing Battlefront
I haven't because I'm not a no-lifer like a lot of you people.
Only god damn skolas
Need skolas still and a couple golden chests I havent taken the time to get
Hopefully I can get the raids done today, after that I'll just need skolas
Just need Skolas
I need Skolas went in once, got to first set of mines, wiped and then got called into work. Haven't tried again. Also my group wasn't taking out adds and burning Skolas so we were overrun in that first go through.
I need to beat skolas is all but I don't have a team. Well I do but they don't want to do the lvl 35 poe.
Alright, I keep seeing this over and over and over, and I can't help but feel some sympathy. I've struggled to find a team to play Trials with after my friends left, and these days I take joy in playing with low-expectation randoms for the funzies. I know what it is like to want to participate in an activity without being able to (no matchmaking, "high standards"/"requirements"). I can't carry anyone through the lighthouse (though if you need a team mate to get rewards from Valance, I wouldn't mind helping). However, I can "carry" people through Skolas. I have guided a good number of virgins through it, and after the changes, the longest I had to stay holding anyone's hand has been 3 hours. If you need to beat Skolas and you're on PS4, I will help you. Just send me a PM if you're interested, and I'll friend you when I get home. If I'm on and people quit on you, I will also help you. It's amazing that so many people actually do want to beat Skolas but haven't managed to do so--I will get you that emblem. It is up to you to take the first step, guardian.
Not even gonna try. What do you get out of it anyways?
I wish they just made it: beat skolas or go to the lighthouse so I don't have to fkn do skolas, shit takes forever.
Need the chests and skolas. I don't have a mic but I got Gjally 34 hunter and all 365 weapons
I need 2 do 35 Poe... I have made it to skolas and then my team rage quit. If I do 35 Poe then I will get the gold chest and public event. In on the 360 if anyone wants to help me with 35