And why? What do you have missing? Or will it be too much for you to complete by TTK?
Justin Bieber is so cute... HE IS MINE.
If you look at each planet it will show how many chests your missing on each planet.
Your In Luck!
If you need help completing Skolas or one of the activities I will help you if your on Xbox One.
Reply below if you need help and with what activities.
Thanks for all the replies! It's almost @ 4000 !
They actually have started to ask me about partnerships with Bungie so maybe i can make some money!
Thank you all. Cheers!
I probably could nothing major left to do just not worried emblems r overrated son
Need a few more golden chests, Skolas and Crota. The arbitrary lvl 35 difficulty for Skolas turns me off from completing it, and can't get a group to do Crota.
I just need to get chests but I'm too tired of this game to do that.
Haven't done Skolas yet but if I do then I'll hunt those last 5 chests.
4 chest and uhh 35
Two golden chests on mars and done
I'm not going golden chest hunting And I'm not level for Skolasnyet. I do really want that shader :( sad face
I gotta do 9 more chests. Im takin my sweet ass time.
Havent done Skolas yet...
So I said I was missing skolas but I just did it lol
Missing skolas
Checked to see what I need to do for it and I was somewhat disappointed that I've completed the requirements for it already
Edited by moshdubs: 7/30/2015 12:54:09 AMChests are too hard *Update* I beat the chests
I'm missing the stuff you need a fireteam for. Atheon, crota and skolas (Also need some more crucible wins but I rarely go to PvP
Edited by Hillster: 7/30/2015 6:46:29 AMNever done a raid on normal let alone hard, it's only an emblem so I can't say I'm all that bothered.
Edited by Fury: 7/30/2015 6:34:59 AMDeeJ hasn't. He said he would, but he hasn't.
Just missing Skolas. Odds are that I probably won't get it in time.
I haven't defeated Crota or Atheon on hard or Skolas... I've been playing since day one but I've always played solo.... I'm not very social don't like mics so I'm probably not going to get it....
Don't want chests
I can't finish it. I got all golden chests but am apparently missing one one the moon but I got all 5 so one is glitched.
I'm missing a few chests since it released. Have only really played lately for ToO. Maybe I'll find the time to waste grabbing some pointless Easter eggs.
Never done any of the raids.
Started playing last week and I only need to farm public events too get mine
Don't bother.
I don't plan on it
Edited by eraclesk: 7/30/2015 5:24:28 AMI have both raids on hard and some chests . Chest maybe but no way on raids no team let alone a team willing to help a no experienced raider so no sadly won't be happening , it's only a shader so really no biggie I'm on ps4