And why? What do you have missing? Or will it be too much for you to complete by TTK?
Justin Bieber is so cute... HE IS MINE.
If you look at each planet it will show how many chests your missing on each planet.
Your In Luck!
If you need help completing Skolas or one of the activities I will help you if your on Xbox One.
Reply below if you need help and with what activities.
Thanks for all the replies! It's almost @ 4000 !
They actually have started to ask me about partnerships with Bungie so maybe i can make some money!
Thank you all. Cheers!
I was missing half of the golden chests and forgot which ones I did open, but I set aside my daily 2 hour gameplay cap to search for them the other day.
I had everything done as soon as Moment of Triumph came out. Didn't have to do anything.
Edited by Dawra: 7/29/2015 5:17:49 PMI have and whoever doesn't have it yet is a scrub and doesn't deserve the emblem.
Just need Skolass....
Need a VOG hard and a Skolas. I'm a geezer guardian - rarely get a chance to join a raid, and Skolas just doesn't look like much fun.
To those who say you "don't care", that's a lie you've gotten used to telling yourselves because of your lack willingness to accomplish anything that takes effort. I have not beaten Skolas and will be disappointed in myself if i don't drop him this month. Cowboy up Guardians.
I'm to lazy to find gold chest lol
Haven't found a competent group for Skolas
Need 3 chest .
8 chests to find and don't feel like doing it atm so yeah lol
No Skolas, No hard Crota. I have chests to find, but that's easy.
Just need Skolas. I can easily Google the other golden chests but I need to be able to take Skolas out soon.
Hard Crota because my team is always offline. Skolas because I'm lvl 33.
Haven't beaten skolas :/
I only have to beat Crota on hard I despised CE so much that when I got my Black Hammer & max level I stopped doing it lol Now I'm embarrassed to say I actually need it :(
Can't believe how many people havent beaten Skolas yet. If my friend and I are available this weekend, we will help some people through 35 PoE. X1: GT - King Adrastus
I don't have House of Wolves and I don't want to figure out which chests I'm missing
Just need skolas
Just need to farm gold chests and I'll be done
haven't played in 6 months up until this past weekend. i don't even know what your talking about but you have my attention. i also can never find anyone to raid with. i have only done vault of glass once on normal.
If anyone on XBONE still needs a Crota Hard kill, 2 of my teammates and I (all 34s) will be running it three times this week. You can join at the beginning if you'd like, or jump in at Crota, shoot a few rockets and check it off your Triumphs :) Don't care about your level, just be cool! If you haven't done hard mode, the Crota fight is different than normal mode, so be chill and we'll get it done. We took a few Hard Mode rookies through (a couple 30s, 31s and 32s) last week with no problems. If you have a Gjally, great. If not, any tracking rocket is fine. I'll make a post when we're gonna run thru it in Recruitment, but you can msg me anytime before if you want in. Message me on XB1: SpartanDog1979
I'll help anyone on xbox one with raids and skolas my team of four does hard vault and hard crota all the time so we have plenty of room same with skolas but I'll only help one person at a time with him. just send me a message on xbox and we can figure out a time. GT: InSaiyanRogue
Me need some chests and Skolas
Skolas :'(
Absolutely nothing. I was looking forward to completing stuff and getting an emblem before the DLC. I had completed everything, no emblem, and now there's enough time for any casual to get the same emblem that day one players will get. Disappointing