So, it's been close to two days and my art submission is still not posted. No word if it's been rejected, no word if the format is wrong, no word if the image host won't work... What the hell?! The contest ends very soon. What's going on? (Please don't tell me that bungie has to approve the image again, it's been long enough) Mayb I wouldn't win but why am I being excluded? Bungies silence is upsetting... They asked for these submissions, asked us to spend time... The least they could do is communicate back with us. Again, what's going on with my submission?
I've had the same problem. Submitted last thursday and still waiting for any confirmation if it was accepted or rejected. Mine was a youtube video of gameplay so I see no reason why it would be rejected. I posted multiple threads about this over the past week and even replied to BNGHelp0 directly only to be ignored despite the user actively answering other questions.