Cody's night vision goggles are on and he's looks around the room. [spoiler]Imma kill Cody off during the escape. Just letting you know.[/spoiler]
*the figures climbing the walls have no features except for razor sharp claws and glowing blue eyes*
Cody tries to stay a quiet as possible as he walks by them.
*one of them walks in front of Cody readying its bloody claws*
Cody waves his torch at the figure. [spoiler]Don't kill him yet. On the way out.[/spoiler]
*it screams and runs away* [spoiler]I know btw flash bangs will kill a horde if them easily[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Yay![/spoiler] [spoiler]Let's stick to the other trying of posts. It's starting to confuse me.[/spoiler]
"Well this should be fun"
*you feel something dripping onto your shoulder*
[b]looks up[/b]
*one of the figures drops from the ceiling pinning you to the ground*
[b]a blade comes out of her arn and she stabs it[/b]
*it doesn't die and keeps trying to attack, a whisper can be heard briefly* [i]kill them with light[/i]
[b]her arm turns into a flame thrower and she shoots it with fire[/b]
*it screeches and runs away then falls to the ground dead*
"Well that worked"
*the other figures look at you*
[b]shoots at it with fire[/b]
*they run into the darkness then die as the flames engulf their bodies*
"Well this is going to be fun"
*they learn the threat you pose and escape through the vents*
[b]continues thought the room[/b]
Cody aims his rifle up.
[spoiler]holy crap I missed a lot[/spoiler] "How many do you think there are?"
[spoiler]Lol[/spoiler] "I dunno, fire seems to kill them though."