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Edited by ARC4460 Traitin: 7/30/2015 6:20:16 AM

Part Five: The Assignment (Reborn Story Line)

For: @Phaaze1 @HonoredCross10 @Hungry Samoan -Your Stories Continue Reborn: Part 5/The Assignment “Shift it lads, the Vanguard isn’t paying us for leisurely strolls in the park.” Manu made a glance at Asher who was staring back. They both proceeded to burn holes in the back of the Lieutenant. Darr shouldered past them, shoving Manu with his rifle. All play. “Sir, I’m pretty sure they don’t pay us at all”, Manu said, grunting as he hiked his kit to a more comfortable position across his shoulders. It was hard enough keeping pace with two Exos in the squad, but he was sure that even they had to feel some sort of fatigue when trekking with the Lt. If they did, they never said so. No one did. [i]We wouldn’t. [/i] “Don’t try to work out the fine print Man'. It doesn’t become your intelligence.” The Lt. was always generous in his humor. Manu could hear Darr chuckling over the comm. “Got something to say Darr?”, the Lt. phoned out, his head veering slightly over his shoulder as he started to climb the incline in front of them. “Other than [i]what are we doing out here[/i]? Sir, you know I’m a closed book.” “Fortunately for us all”, said Asher. “Shove it.” Traitin clambered over the top and thrust a gauntlet down to Darr, hoisting him up, and then returned it for Manu. The two of them knelt in the firing position to scan the terrain while the Lt. took care of Asher. “Above your pay grade lad”, Traitin growled as Asher pulled over the top. Manu could hear the weight of him through his helmet. “Again with the matter of compensation,” Manu said. He knew the Lt. wasn’t keen on verbal flippancy, but he made it so easy sometimes with his know-all perception. Most of the time, it was the only entertainment they could enjoy. Aside from the real work, of course. The real work was a[i] blast[/i]. “Personally, I thought being part of Seri Squad was a reward in itself, Sir”, Darr chimed in. Manu knew he was picking up on the signal. “Nobody likes a bootlicker Darr.” “Nobody likes flying blind either, Sir.” Asher usually kept opinions in reserve, leaving the bantering up to Darr and Manu. If he spoke, it was either out of contempt or necessity. Manu liked Asher. He just didn’t get his no-nonsense attitude sometimes. Regardless of whether or not Asher could keep up with the score, Manu wouldn’t trade him in a fight for anyone else. He was proud to be with these guys. That said, he understood the simmering tone in Asher’s voice. They all did. Not knowing made them weighted and restless, two things that didn’t help in a fight. Traitin must’ve finally grown weary of the two days’ worth of prodding since he had told Seri to prepare for their assignment. Stopping dead in his tracks he hung his head with a sigh. “Fine, Ghost?” Traitin’s ghost animated itself into existence with a flash. Turning back to face Manu and the others, the little green companion hovered into the semicircle already formed and waiting. A holo-image ignited in front of them. “What..are we looking at Sir?”, Darr said, the words thick with disbelief. The Lt. had joined them now, completing the circle. Manu hoped that what Traitin was about to say wasn’t what they were all thinking. He knew immediately that it was. He just knew. “That –that lads is the objective, or where our objective is waiting.” [i]Damnit. Damnit all.[/i] “It can’t be. It’s larger than Prime18”, said Asher, as though willing his denial to change the topographical analysis and figures scrolling down their HUDs. “It is”, Traitin returned in full affirmation, “and we are.” “Why were we not briefed on this before disembarking?” Manu thought they deserved that much at least. This kind of calling needed explanation. His head was spinning. “You didn’t get one, because the Vanguard doesn’t want this to start circulating around. Had we not reached our contact and established a POA, there would have been no reason for anyone else, including all three of you, to know about this. But, we [i]will[/i] reach our contact, we [i]will[/i] establish a POA, and we [i]WILL[/i] carry out this assignment. Or, we [i]will[/i] die doing so.” Sometimes the Lt. came off as a little mad. This was definitely one of those times. The four Titans of Seri Squad stood frozen and silent, their gaze lingering on the image of a Hive Fortress estimated to be five times the size of the Hellmouth. Out in the barren wilderness of the Dark Continent, [i]destiny[/i] called their names. They would answer. [i]Or die doing so[/i].

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