Don't you just barely have a 1.5 dh? lol the good players are the ones wearing the cool emblems I thought you knew this wait forgot ~shady
Kid I played u in doubles you couldn't even pull a .5 over 3 games
what 4 months ago when i first started? i put your entire team to shame kid . Most of your own friends would tell you im better but they won't because you'll cry about it like everything else :3
Lmfao not when u started, you challenged me idiot, I'll smack u anyday bad kid
look when i started putting hours in pvp lol whats happened everytime uve played me lately oh right you lost your a bad kid your own friends have said your not a real sweaty so stfu and move on not a single sweaty wheres that stupid emblem
What friends lmfao, boy I'll beat u anyday lets play tommorow
nope ive beaten you enough i am working on my warlock until further notice :3
Coward, you beat me once, when you team got both heavy, oddly enough our team did that next game and smoked you
you mean when the connection went to shit and more people joined ur team yeah lol ive been pushing my warlock up since i made him yesterday lol thats why setronomy helped me with vault and scrota
I've never lost a sweaty to you kid, let's play tommorow
lol nope playing my warlock :3
Such a scrub
such a pub :3
Lol. I beat Bungie today. You both lose.
EVERY ONE beat bungie today the only decent player on that team is cozmo
Funny cause he barely went positive and was below 2 girls in score. I'm gonna bet you didn't beat them though.
im gunna bet i didn't try because im.leveling up a warlock score equals nothing lol. i support cozmo he surpised me ill bet im better then you too kid get gud
Haha ok. You obviously are really a kid. So go to bed.
Don't waste your time with this scrub roses
Bitch alert bitch alert