Do you have a submachine gun like this?
"We have Type 14s." ((Look in the Almanac for weapon info))
"How much for a Type 14 then and whats the mag size?" "Also price on on the dual Kunais?" ((K gotcha thank you))
Edited by HickoryHamMike: 7/30/2015 4:31:15 PM"500 for the gun, which has a magazine of 28 5mms, which each cost 50. And Kunais are 600."
"Whats your cheapest Dagger or Knife?"
"The CK-12 Serrated Knife. 500."
"Ill take the Dual Kunai for now" [b]Transfers the credits[/b] "Know where I can get some work?"
"What kinda work?" the cashier asks as he gives you the Kunais.
[b]Slips a Kunai under each sleeve of the trench coat[/b] "The line of work doesnt matter, as long as the pay is good".