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7/30/2015 7:02:17 PM

Looking for xbox360 clan members mature willing to grind

Im looking to start a squad within my clan and to do that i need 7+ dedicated destiny gamers. My vision is no one gets left behind i have helped multiple random guardians from level 5 and got them to 30+ i grind it out no flaking. Im not the best in the world but i do more than my part to win. I would like to get a set sqaud that does poe 35 on a weekly,nitefalls,raids, crucible, eventually T.O.O. after we mesh. Im looking for good players or new players willing to grind to become great. And of course the year ones like myself with experience. Please be mature 18 and up. im down for laughs and jokes because at the end of the day its just GAME HAVE FUN. ONE MORE THING TO THINK ABOUT TAKEN KING IS A COUPLE WEEKS AWAY I WOULD THINK GAMING WITH A TEAM IS MORE ENJOYABLE THAN SOLO. JUST A THOUGHT I have 2 hunters 34 and 31 and 1 warlock 34 (my spade) MY GT IS XGC 5LEEPY FACE.

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