While I do not endorse of respect those who make sexist remarks for the intent of discrimination (me and my friends in school crack jokes at each other for laughs), I feel like the entire manifestation of a "girls only clubhouse" or even a "guys only clubhouse" is a little too much.
Edited by bLooM_pHaZe: 7/30/2015 11:44:53 PMNot really given the context of events, which to be honest, merely reflects a very small portion of a larger problem. In terms of a men's only club...agreed, too many youthful (usually but not exclusively of course), egotistical and arrogant neurons (sorry...morons) jumping around assuming all and everything but God status in their little circle-jerks. [spoiler]When ever, and I mean every time...as in 99.999999999% of the time when you have a group of men only - myself included; you get problems. Always and, in ANY and all manner of situations, that stream is by a minor taste of what a lot peeps think internally yet, expressed outwardly due to their hidden identity. [/spoiler]