I started baby talking my fiancé... LFG guardian replies, "someone forgot to mute their mic!" Hahah i played it off pretty well anyways and convinced him it was weird to change who you are so people don't think less/differently of you :D
Edit 1: There's lot of truth here guardians! Keep it coming!
Edit 2: Does anyone ever call the Unmuted person out? How did they defend themselves?
Edit 3: Wow! Over 3400 replies!! These stories are sad, funny and nauseating all at the same time ;) shout out to the people who sing like no one is listening :D
Some kid started to, um, find himself while in the mic
This one time in band camp...
My friends on xbox forgot to mute and they started having sex
Bump for later please
My mate had his mic on and while we were in a party he randomly shouted "close the door (his sister) I don't want to see you taking a shite" The entire party then immediately lost their shit and it took us a good five minutes to stop laughing
One of my trials guys said he was getting off for 10 minutes and he forgets to turn off his mike and we hear him listening to porn getting it off for about 3 minutes XD funniest thing ever!
Muted mic to burp but it didn't work and then accidentally farted after even louder than burp and spent almost an hour after laughing with my friends
Well the story us we were playing a vog and this kid has to go for a few seconds. Heres how it went down. Kid: hey guys i'll be back in a second. Us: ok man take your time. Kid: * drops mic and walks away 5 seconds later we here * "YAHTA HADIB DALERIA FBAK HKALS EKSJS!!!" *Then we here a female voice* "YAHTA CHALOUI?!?" *we here someone stomping then a few bangs* then the kid picks up the mic again* "sorry guys i'm back!" Us: ...um...what the actual hell dude...
I was caught singing showtoons
Ive learned one thing that is true in life. Always climax before you down crota. #swordbearer #embarassed wife #teamwipe
I just hate when people eat without muting their mic! It sounds so freaking gross!
My friend said he had to go pee and left the Mic on
Joined a group for trials and got invited to a party ... his friend joins and the guy that invited me said that he had me muted and he'll kick me so his friend could join (wasn't muted) ended up going flawless so all was good!!
Playing trials explaining to my brother "God are my fûcking teammates stupid? Do they not know how to play without me carrying them?! Learn how to not die fággots!" Then realized it was unmuted so I immediately left the party/game....
I don't know, Warlock can solo shi t the easiest t
While we we're going through warp, my brother and I started singing the Dr Who theme song. Found out they could hear me after they started applauding us.
All I have is others eating chips, being louder than a JDAM. My parties are boring.
Had a German friend fall a sleep on us snoring and everything. We were at the death singer. We killed it and he got hawkmoon he had been after it for a long time. We were all yelling trying to wake him. We got a message next day saying thanks
Edited by Oaksama: 8/10/2015 8:43:22 PMOne time I almost got a reaper and i was flipping out and then I remembered I wasn't on mute making everyone deaf by screaming saying "mom get the camera"
Had a friend join a party and he said he'd be back. About 10 mins later I heard muffled moaning so I threw my headset off my head and left. Had a good laugh after though when he joined my new party
Meh, one time I was just talking to my wife about bills, the dogs being assholes, our baby kicking. We sometimes baby talk at each other so I did the baby talk thing. Checked the mute and it wasnt on. The other two LFG randoms said nothing.
Can't happen to me because im Austrian and no one understands our german. Not even the germans.
I came back after me and my girl were having fun and my clan were like you forgot to mute you mic lol
Shake it off.....nuff said.
I usually sing random songs when I rage or get targeted by a boss. My most common playlist consists of David Bowie, the Commodores, Backstreet Boys, etc.. My buddy usually starts in with me if she knows the tune. Well, one day during a game of control, I accidently switch it over to team chat and start, very aggressively, singing [i]Bohemian Rhapsody[/i] by Queen. By the time I get to the "scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango" part, I pause to take a breath, and I am stopped by my friend's chilling words... "Uh... Your mic, Indy." [b][i]The whole team heard my aggressive Bohemian ballad.[/i] [/b] Needless to say, I was met by a chorus of laughter from the team of strangers, along with my friend.