I started baby talking my fiancé... LFG guardian replies, "someone forgot to mute their mic!" Hahah i played it off pretty well anyways and convinced him it was weird to change who you are so people don't think less/differently of you :D
Edit 1: There's lot of truth here guardians! Keep it coming!
Edit 2: Does anyone ever call the Unmuted person out? How did they defend themselves?
Edit 3: Wow! Over 3400 replies!! These stories are sad, funny and nauseating all at the same time ;) shout out to the people who sing like no one is listening :D
I heard, hey James, if I suck crota's d*ck do you think he'll give me a gally
I forget to mute my mic in the worst of times like when I'm raging hahaha
So we completed a raid, and most left, I stayed and I had to go to the bathroom, and it took a while, then I got some food...all told gone for 20 or so minutes, I come back, started playing, and I was the only one in game, then I unmute my mic, and turned party chat back up, and there's definitely some moaning. I check the party to learn my friend monet hadmt turned her mic off, and the changes games to one that just made your controller vibrate. I started talking and she did for a while back until she totally freaked out because she realised she was talking to me and i could hear her
My friend and I made fun of our raid team for about 30 mins then one of them told us they could hear everything we said. Forgot we weren't in a party. Felt like an idiot for an hour. That was about 2 hours ago lol
Basic love making with my girl friend and forgot to turn off the mic
Happened to my brother, thankfully not to me... Mom: Get off now, its time to go underwear shopping.
My friend was having a conversation with his gf on what kind of condoms they should get. He unplugged his mic, but not his kinetic
Reply for later
Lol just spent an hour reading these
Bump for later I'm loving this.
A couple iron banners ago I was half singing random songs from my spotify that I didn't even really know the words to over the fireteam chat and didn't even realize I hadn't muted my mic until a good hour or so in. Nobody said anything but a few teammates kept punching me and I was not sure why.
I forgot to mute my mic while practicing my saxophone. Everybody in the party heard me playing Careless Whisper.
I farted.. Lol
Yeah this little kid started to fap and watch some porn.
Why isn't there I forget to unmute my mic option?
Definitely blowing out a huge fart when I played with my new clan. I had just switched to them and was still adjusting. I didn't mute it, just tried to cover it. Didn't work.
Having sex
What's baby talking?
True story, doesn't involve me but came on one night for raids and the first thing I got told was how one of my friends had heard the other masturbating. The culprit said he didn't realise he was still in a party with anyone and just accepted the shame haha!
Edited by ArbitraryOak892: 8/15/2015 2:28:08 PMMy wife came into the room, and was sitting there watching tv next to me(differnt TV) and said to me if we wanted to get hot . I'm like hell yeah, and go do it( i thought it was muted) I came back and someone says "did you do her doggy style? It was hilarious. I still hear no end of it