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Edited by ARC4460 Traitin: 7/31/2015 12:01:59 AM

Part Six: Hunters (Reborn Story Line)

For: @XJustinX560 @xV Kestrel Vx @SlickDigby @Uldren Sov -Your Stories Continue Reborn: Part 6/Hunters The lights of the Fifth Wing were always dim. Had there been no electricity to supply the Tower with the power it required, Kestrel was sure that candles would be ominously burning in place of the few lighting fixtures now glowing down the dark hallway. Warlocks were secretive at best, but there was a difference between mysterious and foreboding. They just had that essence about them. Their lairs were no different. Nate Kestrel didn’t know why he was here, his only reason being that it was a personal request from Cayde-6 himself. In truth, he felt like ignoring the Mentor’s appeal. Three months of scouring the frontier on various assignments had made him weary. Towards the end of his deployment, the prospect of sleeping in a real bed kept him awake at night. He was very tired. Guardians were not required to obey. The reality was that when a Guardian was born, they were given a choice, not conscripted into an army. Called from the grave and the living, a Guardian was burdened with the highest vocation; to safeguard Humanity. If a Guardian chose to walk their own path, there was nothing that could be done to retract this decision. The Light made Its choice carefully. Free will, however, was still free. Disappointments would occur. Kestrel reminded himself of his duty and his reputation among the Hunters. If Cayde-6 made it a personal request, chances were it was important. Importance carried status. Status carried fame. Kestrel liked fame, he liked it a lot. “Room 9549, here you are”, Kestrel said standing in front of a pair of common quarters doors. The word [i]Severance[/i] was etched in red-gold upon a slab of brilliant onyx to the right of the alcove. The stone reflected Kestrel’s stare. [i]Warlocks[/i]. Kestrel was about to knock when the doors separated open allowing him in. Stepping through the alcove on the other side, he found himself standing in a sparsely furnished room with as little light as the hall that had led him here. Despite the four large windows looking out to the North, somehow, the light never made it through the glass. Three low cushioned chairs were arranged in a half-circle facing the windows, two of which had occupants comfortably lounging in them already. Standing in front of them, with his arms resting behind his back, was an Exo draped in a velvet coat of the darkest red hue. His bright violet eyes, set in a charcoal frame, emanated a visage of power. “Nathan Kestrel, your thoughts gave way to your presence”, the Warlock calmly spoke. His voice lingered in Kestrel's ear with a fluid enchantment. “Master To’bias. I had not expected to find you at the end of this journey.” Kestrel knew To’bias. He knew him all too well. “I’d say that this concludes our meeting for my part, tell [i]them[/i] for me would you.” Turning on his heel and started for the door. “Parting so soon? Without even acknowledging your Brothers? [i]Quite[/i] unlike you Hunters.” The two Hunters stood. Kestrel, his temperament slipping, stopped and returned their respects. “Brothers. I apologize for the lack of courtesies, but I think you should do the same.” “C’mon Nate, you don’t even know what you’re here for”, Vidar said. “He’s right Nate. If it was bad[i] news[/i] do you think we’d be sitting here?” Kestrel shot Silas N’Teyo a look for that. [i]Slick, you're not that dumb are you?[/i] “You should listen to your Brethren Nathan, they sense the weight of the matter, as should you. Put aside your differences with me and hear what needs to be said. If you feel so inclined as to throw away a chance for glory, then by all means, the door awaits. However, I am of the opinion that you will stay.” Kestrel stood motionless. He could feel his anger rising quickly at the thought of To’bias calling him out. Even worse, his Brothers doing the same. His blade was crying out to be planted between those violet eyes. His ego kept it in its sheath. [i]Cowardly rotten filth.[/i] The three Hunters took their seats. “Hunters, you have been summoned here for one reason, and one reason only. You are exceedingly proficient at what you do.” Kestrel wasn’t sure what the Warlock was getting at. He knew To’bias detested them, even if Slick and Vidar didn’t. “Knock off the foreplay To’bias and get to the climax.” Nate didn’t like being toyed with. The Warlock simply blinked at the remark. “The Order has been asked by the Vanguard and the Speaker to investigate two rather concerning occurrences of late. Through meditation, and other, [i]discrete[/i], means, we found nothing short of impending disaster. What we do know of one matter is troubling to say in the least. The other matter..”, To’bias fastened his gaze directly on Kestrel, “is quite conclusively the doom of our time.” For all his self-worship and inconceivable arrogance, To’bias wasn’t pulling the chain this time. This time he was serious. “What are you talking about?”, the look on Vidar’s face was steeped in confusion. “Crota is dead.” “The Black Heart as well”, said Silas, looking at Kestrel for affirmation. Nathan’s eyes were still fixed on the Warlock’s. “What[i] are [/i]you saying? No more cryptic cabalcrap.” Kestrel was starting to itch. To’bias closed his eyes and smiled. “What I’m saying, is that you three are going on a trip”, his violet eyes opening with a sudden burn. “A [i]hunting[/i] trip.” For the first time, coming from the Warlock, Kestrel liked what he heard.

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