This is a page dedicated to helping guardians find a experienced mature fireteam! FEEL FREE TO JOIN MY CLAN: The Queens Strike Team we have mature players willing to help any lvl players complete raids, POE, and Trials. If you would like to play with me, my gamer tag is Bossk02.
My Characters are:
Lvl 40 Hunter 298 light
Lvl 39 Warlock 250 light
Lvl 30 Titan 170 light
if you need help with any checkpoint feel free to message me or anybody in our group. Also of you need a sword bearer for Crota I can take him down in 2 swords any difficulty.
This thread is meant to be helpful so please don't be "that guy"
My Clan Link:
Crotas End Team Finder:
Vault of glass Finder:
Thank you so much for your continued support of the thread. Please keep those comments coming. And add me on XBOX ONE if you want to play sometime GT: Bossk02.
34 Hunter max gally and other weapons looking for POE 35 group inv me same gt
Edited by S1NlSTER: 9/6/2015 6:18:38 PMLooking to do 32,34 Skolas inv me First i is a 1 second i is a lower case L I have a 34 warlock and titian I need to do this on
34 warlock looking for 32 poe. Message for invite.
Two 34's need one lvl34 Warlock. 35PoE (MUST HAVE MIC) Gamertag same as above
Edited by JT822: 9/6/2015 6:16:03 PM32 Warlock Max Gally LF Lvl32 or 34 POE. Gt: JT822 invite in game please.
Lvl 34 hunter Poe 32 inv gt same as above
P.O.E 34 Need: 2 Message me in game GT: Pope Lucifer II I'm a level 32 and but I have max guns and know what I'm doing. I'm on round 2!
Poe 34 gt same as above
Skolas cp. Two lvl34's looking for a WARLOCK. gamertag same as above. (Must have mic.)
34 titan, Im looking for 2 lvl 34 to play skolas, i dont have mic but i know what to do, preferable hunters and it will be faster if you have gally. Msg me for inv: MARS9 MX
34 Hunter looking for skolas cp. Max weps, gear, and experience. Gt above.
Need 1 for 34 have all max weapons msg for inv gt above
Prison of Elders level 34 Farming for Elder's Cipher Must know how to farm Msg Grimlock1209 for invite
Need 2 for Poe 34 gt same
34 hunter looking to do 34 Poe. Inv SK82FREAK01
Need 2 for Poe 32
P.O.E 34 Need: 2 Message me in game GT: Pope Lucifer II I'm a level 32 and but I have max guns and know what I'm doing,
34 lock looking for 32 poe
Need 34 hunter for 35poe. Message for inv - Hodsxn
Looking to do 35 im a 34 hunter wit tons of exp invite me
Level 34 Warlock looking for level 35 PoE, have max weapons including max Gjallarhorn, a mic and done it many times before, gt same as above, invite me or comment/message over Xbl and I'll invite.
Looking to get picked up for lvl 35 poe. Lvl 34 hunter. Invite if intrested
34 hunter lfg pls add me to ur team
Need 34 titan for 35 poe gt same as above
Need one for lvl 35 POE Gt: hazyspecs Xb1
Doing 32 Poe need one more message polar typhoon55