This is a page dedicated to helping guardians find a experienced mature fireteam! FEEL FREE TO JOIN MY CLAN: The Queens Strike Team we have mature players willing to help any lvl players complete raids, POE, and Trials. If you would like to play with me, my gamer tag is Bossk02.
My Characters are:
Lvl 40 Hunter 298 light
Lvl 39 Warlock 250 light
Lvl 30 Titan 170 light
if you need help with any checkpoint feel free to message me or anybody in our group. Also of you need a sword bearer for Crota I can take him down in 2 swords any difficulty.
This thread is meant to be helpful so please don't be "that guy"
My Clan Link:
Crotas End Team Finder:
Vault of glass Finder:
Thank you so much for your continued support of the thread. Please keep those comments coming. And add me on XBOX ONE if you want to play sometime GT: Bossk02.
Doing 32 Poe need one more message polar typhoon55
Doing POE 34 need one more. GT: hazyspecs Xb1
I'm on Round 4 of POE 35! I need reliable players who know hat they're doing! I'm a Lvl 34 Hunter. GT as above. Msg me for an invite. MUST HAVE A MIC. Titans w/ bubble preferable.[/quote]
[url][/url] [u]t00k ez[/u] [b]#110 for wins in trials in the world[/b]Hey guys, I'm carrying my viewers in my twitch chat room for free right now!So my chat room is set up with a bot and we do a raffle, all YOU must do is type "!raffle" and follow my twitch channel!Enjoy.
Lvl 34 Titan looking for lvl 32 POE. Invite MikeSaint93
Need 2 for PoE 35. Leave Gamertag below if interested. Must have done it before and know what you are doing.
Looking for a team to do skolas. Invite P2E Nato
Level 33 titan looking to do level 35 poe, never done it and would like to, message if interested in me inviting/joining
Looking to help anyone out! I'm bored atm can do and of the poe! Just invite
Need 1 for 35 PoE, must be 34 and has mic. Message X7GaRrEtTxx for invite
Lf1 poe 35: must be experienced Msg: neckutta
Look for 2, 35 PoE must be 34 mic is needed. Message X7GaRrEtTxx for invite
34 Hunter looking for skolas cp. Max weps, gear, and experience. Gt above.
Lvl 35 POE : MUST have gally : lvl 34 only : need to have a mic : message Pro lagg for an invite : xbox one
Need two for 32 PoE msg GymySam for Invite
34 Hunter looking for skolas cp. Max weps, gear, and experience. Gt above.
Need 2 for poe 34 must b lvl 34 message or comment if down
I'm looking to join a group for Skolas gt same as above please invite me I'm very experienced
Need 2 for 32 poe Message on the gt above
Hunter with maxed weapons for 34. Inv glocktoter
Need 2 more for Poe lvl 34 Xbox one Gt:MCRuin
34 titan looking for 2 good players for 35 skolas Msg GT above
Looking to do PoE 32 Inv Jonspircoff7
Looking to do poe 32 can do 34 or 35 afterwards if you are keen. Gt same as above msg for inv or send me an inv
I'm a 34 warlock with almost fully upgraded fatebringer and almost fully upgraded gally (has Wolfpack rounds) and I need to do the skolas arena to get my moments of triumph emblem. Can a good fire team help me? Thanks.. Invite me at: BPMurph00
Looking for 2 for PoE 32, message me on Xbox live for invite