"Through the war room, and down the stairs to the left. The doors down there are manual to save power, and I barred it to be sure nothing came up from below."
"Alright I'll get down there and activate the power" [b]walks to the door[/b]
*There is a long metal bar through the handles. It is easily removed from this side.*
[b]opens the door[/b]
*It is somewhat crowded in the small hallways beneath the base. You come to a split in the hallway.* [ ] Go left [ ] Go right
[b]go left[/b]
*You come to the generator room, it is lit by dim red lights. There are three switches on the generator.*
[b]flips the switches on the generators[/b]
[spoiler]im sorry I went out of cell range.[/spoiler] *The first switch turns on the lights, The second gets the doors working, and the third activates defenses. You hear sentry fire in the room on the right end of the hall.*
[b]walks out of the generator room and looks around somemore[/b]
*You see a few rad roaches that were killed by the sentries* "Nice! Everything's working great up here now! Great work Ash!"
"Yup now what?"
"Alright let me know when the prisoner wakes up"
[b]flips the switches[/b]