I was just playing some Dragon Age: Inquisition sitting in the tavern at Redcliff when a singing maiden caught my ear. I started listening and realized how awe-inspiring the music was. What music in games do you really enjoy? Probably my favorite would be TES soundtracks. Absolutely epic.
Your daily non-stop shop for all music/gaming related needs.
Edited by Kaiser Wolfheart: 7/31/2015 10:45:02 AMOh damn, here it goes... Transistor Destiny Halo (all) Kingdom Hearts (all) Minecraft Shadow of the Collosus Final Fantasy (all, every game has a unique song I love) Metroid: Prime Child Of Light Dark Souls (all, plus Bloodborn) Some remixes from Super Smash Bros. games Zelda (all, same thing as Final Fantasy) Touhou (I think the 6th one) Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (all)