The game is showing everyone green connections and yet the following errors are happening on a continuous basis:
1. Players are getting to low health and stop taking thorn burn or damage. Example... One player had less than 1/15th of red health left and was team shot by 3 players with multiple thorns each and never took burn or damage until he had killed all three. His connection was green indicating an issue with the server or netcode.
2. Players are not burning by the thorn due to the lag registering the impact most likely because the burn timer is from the moment of hit and that delay allows the player to burn less or not at all.
3. The last word is sniping people across the map at hip fire rate, distances larger than 40m in the game. Some players do have gun skill but being able to out snipe a player at range with the fastest fire rate weapon due to the lag needs to be addressed.
4. Blink Shotgun is not taking damage because the delay from the lag in registering the shot is thinking they are blinked so they do not take damage. It's always been an issue but now even worse due to the lag in registering the shot at a delay.
5. Players are not smooth and running with out their character showing in a continuous manner, meaning a glitchy playing content due to the lag of the server communicating characters position.
6. Weapons are causing more damage than normal. Example: Thorn is one shotting players, the last word is two shotting and several pulse rifles are one pulse bursting a target. Due to the lag it allows defending positions an advantage because they can kill you before you can even see them.
7. Players not showing up on the actual screen, but appear on radar. Example... I had a Titan squatting on a platform and I looked at that spot in the corner when I jumped up to see nothing , I rotate 70 degrees to try to find the target and get shot by the shotgun from the original place I jumped to attack. I've had this happen over 30 times in the last 3 days, even with sunsingers that can not blink jump. The radar is solid red meaning they are on that level before the stupid comments come.
8. Lag is allowing players to take multiple shotgun shots on one shot kill weapons. Example... I shot a ram warlock with a fairwinters lie in the head, did not register. I then Shot him in the head again and the the shot did not register. Then the ram warlock turned and shotgun me for the kill.
The content needs to be fixed, I'm tired of playing only to level up my DTR to then get a million poor matchups and endless glitchy content.
I've noticed this a lot since the last PS4 update, but with Iron Banner on it is becoming extreme and giving players an unfair advantage in Crucible.
Fix the lag, if everyone is green then there should be no problem in registering the hits correctly.
Edited by CKWK8241021: 8/17/2015 5:43:45 PMTry since launch.. They can't just fix the lag, since it's a combination of servers and P2P hosting its an incredibly poor system for trying not to have lag. Also, the lag compensators they have in place in crucible are beyond retarded. Look at all the times you trade kills.
I've noticed it being really bad lately. I even called my internet provider to update and make sure I had the optimal speed and it's still light af, only noticed it recently though
Well said. I've been noticing a number of these things on a regular basis, especially since the last "patch". Especially shots not registering and "Houdini" opponents. Frustrating
Remember when bungie announced that the were changing how players connect and was trying to alleviate the lag? Yeah that's when my gaming experience went right down the shitter
Same great connection in crucible up until last month and now its really frustrating and its even starting to affect my PvE stuff
Edited by gabethekid7: 8/11/2015 7:26:46 PMSorry wrong post
I just played a game where I missed a shot with my sniper by a solid 5 feet, but somehow still got the hit. I was absolutely baffled since the shot clearly missed on my screen but then a second later i got the kill anyways.
I've seen players skating across the ground in the Iron Banner. It was definitely lag. If they weren't outright cheating. I also noticed that Machine Lord medals are not always registering and therefore it is difficult to get the Heavy Metal bounty. Why so much lag? And no it's not my connection. lol
I've gotten no credit for bounties. Get melee kills and the counter doesn't move. Ten kills in a row just kidding I got the medal but not the bounty thanks destiny.
The first one was for sure cheating. His connection was goodd yet he dealt no damage he had the be cheating not lagging