Anyone whos ever played Call of Duty or Gears of War can somewhat relate to the game modes Search and Destroy/Elimination.
[b]By far,[/b] a CoD classic with great replay-ability and a fan favorite in Gears.
I think if in the Taken King there was a specialty playlist similar to a one-life setting with a possible salvage objective, it could really be a hit in the competitive aspect of destiny, because lets face it...Trials isnt really there.
Being that Activision is an overall partner, i think its a very possible competitive mode that could be executed well.
*two specials situated at power positions on the map
*a single heavy rocket in the middle, equally fair to both sides
*two salvage zones
*rotating sides after each round
*four man teams
[spoiler]hire me bungie[/spoiler]
Trials is the only good thing about HoW....