My b8 is working. So you're saying an all female clan is ok but an all male clan is sexist. An all black clan is ok but an all white clan is racist. I'm not the problem, you are.
Didn't say that... I seriously think all of you Dbags should get together and make a clan (all guys or no, I don't care).
What makes me a dbag? The fact that i have pride just like the blacks or women or gays or Asians? I'm a dbag for being white? Sorry but last time I checked I didn't really have a choice so I'm gonna be proud of what I am.
Your lack of empathy and understanding of basic human social history.... That makes you a Dbag.
I understand history. But if is [b]history[/b]. We have to live now, not in the past. And in the present we want equality, and yet white men are being denied that because of historical events that were completely out of their control.
I'm not in the mood for a comprehensive history lesson, but you can't just a ignore the past. If only it were that easy. You have to take all points of view into consideration including white males. There are still ongoing social issues in our world that you can't just ignore. I'm not attacking white males (I am one), but just try to see where other people are coming from.
I understand where people are coming from but I don't understand why white men are put down for something in the past that they can't control.
ooh shit... Grabs popcorn PS: I agree with Pahanin. Racism ends not when you stop calling someone Black or White but when calling someone Black/white refers only to their skin colour.