For anyone who hasn't heard, Bungie said on Twitter that the crucible bans are temporary, not permanent. Bungie claims that it is "never too late to fight fair". Haha, Bungie, are you guys insane??? These lagswitchers don't deserve to be given a second chance. They broke the TOS for this game, ruined Trials for many people. The KNEW what they did was against the rules. Lagswitchers purposely did what they did to ruin people's day. These so call lagswitchers are just going to come back and continue what they were doing.
As Lord Shaxx famously said: "The Crucible is no place for mercy" That's what Bungie should do. Bungie, do the community a favor and ban these lagswitchers PERMANENTLY!!!
Lag switchers usually have to get a new console, account and copy of the game.
Lol that one guy "Whyyy?" Probably got banned