I've done my practicing, I've gotten as good as i can get, i communicate with all my team members but i just CANT WIN....
i don't know what I'm doing wrong, half the time my shots hit but don't damage, or worse i trade and the other guy can be revived..... i just don't understand?!?!?!
there are people who say this is easy and go flawless multiple time in one day?!?!? are you -blam!-ing kidding me what freaking people are they facing?!?!
does anyone else have this same issue!!
Probably your teammates. Look at their KD after each game, I played with the same fireteam ever since trials dropped and noticed one guy went negative basically every game. Myself and the other guy were decent, but not good enough to carry him. We dropped him from our fireteam and went flawless with our new guy the next card. For me it just boils down to your teammates and communication.