Very interesting, when was that filmed?
I only ask because since the last patch regarding CE, the sword hasnt lasted long enough for me to get 3 downs worth of damage let alone a super.
Before it was changed that was commonplace, but the sword goes away way too fast now?
Oh and if you are dropping the sword to blink strike or crouching to go invis then that's where u are burning your time/super building
Filmed the day it was uploaded to YouTube. Just adjust your timing very easy to do!
[quote]Filmed the day it was uploaded to YouTube. Just adjust your timing very easy to do![/quote] Timing has nothing to do with it. The sword literally goes away before it gets a super unless you pick up an orb. Maybe its easier on XB1 but doesnt really matter. Nice accomplishment and great controller work
Ah ok. Not sure if different times on ps4. Good luck bud