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Edited by ARC4460 Traitin: 8/2/2015 4:38:28 AM

Part Seven: Reality (Reborn Story Line)

For: @echoblammo @kool3kidz -Your stories continue Reborn: Part 7/Reality The breeze was cool as it kissed the sweat on the back of his neck. The run had been a long one, but like any physical exertion, rewarding in its exhaustion. It seemed like it was over before it began. “You..really have to let me catch a break next time”, she said, leaning on her knees, her breaths heavy and short in between. The sun had worked its magic, eclipsing her auburn hair and giving it a fire of its own. Disus smiled at the sight. “Would you rather me just let you win?” He knew she would never accept something for free. Lamia stood up straight to look him in the face, her radiant silver-blue eyes keeping his stare from wandering elsewhere. “And give up a chance for self-improvement? For all your wit Love, sometimes you come across a bit dull.” She rolled her eyes with a piercing smile. “Of course not, though maybe not such a fierce pace. It is a date after all.” “Yes”, he said, reaching out to pull her in by the waist, “it is a date.” Disus was sure that he had known nothing more desirable in this life or the last. She was his in every way. Their kiss was perfect. She let out a long sigh of content, her hands set on his face as she pulled away to look back into his eyes. “Disus”, she said, her voice the only thing in the world that mattered, “I love you.” He smiled again. Never had he felt such a flood of warmth in his heart as he did when he was with her. “I love you..”, he began, the words catching in his throat as he spoke. Something was wrong. “What is it, Love?” Her voice was filled with concern and something else. “Do you not remember? I would never leave you.” Horror gripped Disus as the gentle face he was looking on began to change, folding in upon itself, moving violently. He wanted to break away, but he couldn’t. There was blood. “Do you not remember? I would always be there!” Disus tried to wrench himself free, shouting desperately, “No! No! Stop!” He was trapped, her arms, grotesque and ashen as bone, twisting around him, claws raking at his back. He tried to fight. “Do you not remember?!” The quiet face of his Love was gone, a crimson stained maw now in its place. The eyes were hallow and the skin was frayed, burnt and bare. “I would lead you to Hell!” The devil was known to him. [i]Hesus[/i]. Disus woke with jolt, sweat covering his body despite his armor’s EAS. Pushing himself up to a seated position, he closed his eyes and breathed deeply. [i]Just a dream. Just a nightmare.[/i] The stars were burning high above. Reality set in again. [i]No. The nightmare is real. I’m living in it[/i]. Disus hung his head backwards, looking into the heavens. “Ghost?” The small light appeared. “I’m afraid I’ve been unsuccessful in my attempts to break the barrier, Friend. Since you’ve been out, I’ve transmitted over six billion distress signals on over two million frequencies. It looks pretty grim.” Disus could hear the hopelessness in his companion. Even the Light could be afraid. “Don’t let it get to you, we’re going get out of this somehow”, Disus managed, hoping his words would strengthen his Ghost’s resolve, his own as well. It didn’t seem to help. “What else have you learned?” “The perimeter is almost ten miles in diameter and eighty overall. The beast itself..”, the Ghost paused to look down, “well, let’s just say that it goes down for a while.” “So we don’t know what we’re..” “It’s about five times the size of Prime18.” Disus tried to bend his mind around the estimation. It felt like it would break. They needed to get this out. “Ghost, you’re going to have to leave.” “No, I’m not losing [i]my[/i] Guardian. I won’t be leaving without you.” “Yes, you are.” “[i]No[/i], I’m not.” Desperation flooded its voice. “We’re not even sure what happened. They might have made it past the barrier. They might have..” “They [i]died[/i] Ghost.” Disus had felt it when it happened. The Scythes had been too many, too fast. Their ship had never outrun them. “They died and we lived. We have to warn the City. [i]You[/i] have to warn them.” The Ghost seemed to dim in the truth of his words. “I..I will come back. I won’t leave you here.” “I know you won’t. I’ll stay alive till then.” He hoped the uncertainty in him hadn’t been heard. Disus was afraid to send his Ghost away. That fear would have to keep him alive until its return. “Ghost”, Disus called out as the only friend he had left was leaving, “Tell her for me. Tell her what she knows.” The Ghost blinked quietly, then continued on. [i]He’ll make it. He has to[/i]. Standing tall, Disus shouldered his kit and grabbed his rifle, the light of the weapon pulsing deeply from within its core. Looking up one last time at the night sky, he closed his eyes and thought of her. Burning flames filled his mind as he lowered his gaze to rest upon the monstrous spire climbing out of the red earth. [i]I’m going to burn it.[/i] He swore. [i]I’m going to burn it all.[/i] Alone and outmatched, Disus the Abandoned started for gates of Hell.

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