"Okay so basically I'm a gladiator now and I can't be spending all my money at the clinic, so I'm reprogramming this droid to basically be a doc for me. Plus it will help with my mafia bounties. Think you two can do it?"
"Ah yes! You're the roof jockey!" She says with a snap of her fingers. "Naywho, where's this droid? just to be clear it's a droid and not a drone right?"
"A droid yes"
She turns to the voice. "Easy! You just need to add the right tools and the right script to go along" She walks over to you and examines you, with her face awkwardly close to yours. "I've seen you somewhere"
"Alright I can work on the script and you can work on the tools agreed?"
She arcs an eyebrow at the suggestion. "When it comes to machines split work is never a good idea, party A works on a swing while party B works on a tire swing. It's more reliable if we just interchange our information accordingly"
"Probably, I've been active with Jack's bounties recently"
[b]Etana circles the bot.[/b] "sounds simple enough. Yeah I'm sure we can do it."
"Good to know, anything I need to get you guys?"
"Lead us to this droid"