it's just a 1 shot hand canon.
1 shot Halo weapon:
Rocket Launcher
All sniper rifles (Sniper rifle, beam rifle, binary rifle)
Gravity hammer
Golf club
Energy sword
CE pistol at times
Fuel rid canon
Mauler (which is a pistol)
Bolt shot (which is another pistol)
Charge Plasma Pistol
Spartan Laser
Incineration canon
Scorpion gun/ wraith gun/ gauss canon/ Mac canon/ etc vehicle weapons...
Rail gun
May I also add that just in case you want to say Halo is not balanced, they all have features that make them balanced, yet still extremely lethal in the hands of pros, like master chief, and in fact more useful than a fun made out of pyrite.
I could make a list for destiny too but it still wouldn't prove anything. Golden gun = bye bye master chief
Clearly you lost. You have not true and correct reason, that cannot be proven wrong, and I have shown you things that are comparatively better than a golden gun. Also take into consideration that 75% of golden guns shots fired at me miss, even if by pure luck, master chief has a ton of luck, and is really fast, and has a goo aim and a ton of great weapons at his disposal.
I didn't know this was a competition, but it's obvious that your cult-like following of Master chief will never let you see it any other way.