Why do you need to have a key for that freaking POE chest? I understand there's a chance at an exotic, but that just adds a whole new pain in the ass to the process. 35 is bad enough, but when you realize you don't have a key halfway through, and you go to do a quick bounty, which SHOULD give you a key as long as it's your first bounty that week on only 1 character, and it doesn't drop (of course), it's pretty aggravating. And then you go, "well, since they 'greatly' increased the drop rate of keys from the 2 small chests, I probably could get one from those, right"? Nope. Of -blam!-ing course not. So all in all, I waste 3 hours of time on a level 35, failing over and over again, stressing, wanting to beat it so bad, to not get a version 2 weapon, Getting a dumb ass strange coin and a mote of light from the 2 small chests, and being unable to open the big chest. It just makes me think, why do you need a key? You already worked hard enough (at least in the 35) and all in all, complete waste of time. Very frustrating.
Xûr is sitting in a room watching you, when you make it to the treasure room you can trade 10 strange coins for 1 key. [spoiler] how do people not know this?[/spoiler]