I am simply curious as to what the more popular reasons are for people who are against the use of cannabis.
So if you are against it, what is your reason?
I am against all those mind dulling chemicals, whether or not they happen to be legal.... I however, do not think weed should be illegal ( the arguments I have heard behind why it should remain illegal or why it is illegal ... let us just say, I am left speechless by some peoples stupidity... especially when the stupidity is on TV and praised... the smart arguments I have never seen on TV (the smart ones against I mean, I am astonished because out of all the opposers of weed, the ones that get on TV and are praised for their stance, are generally complete idiots... off all the choices, they chose the wrong one to put pride in, like wth? ) I also, have become very sceptical about all the claims regarding scientific backing on either side of weed... due to the nature of how tests would be carried out, you cannot have proper, unbiased, accurate result, no matter what your trying to prove... Do not think It should be illegal, think it should be regulated, still do not think people should do it however.