Ever since I made the post linked above, I've slowly come to a very sad realization. I've played many multiplayer and single player games, and whenever you come to the subject of PvP, it always degenerates into a cesspool of the following:
-"Nerf this weapon because it killed me!"
-"Nerf this weapon; I have a high KDR/I'm MLG which makes all other opinions invalid"
These two extremes are usually the ones that are heard by publishers, and thus those demands usually end up being pushed upon developers and going through. As a result, the game slowly degrades into a point where almost none of the weapons work as they should.
Except now, unlike in previous PvP games, the changes are seeping into PvE. Now, I won't say PvP is a bad thing, however through my observations I do not believe Destiny is a good fit as a PvP game. The reasons why are as follows:
[i]-The RNG loot system creates an imbalance of X players having Y weapon, while Z players resort to crying out for nerfs to compensate for their lack of ability.
-The hierarchal weapon rarities further irritate this imbalance combined with RNG.
-The toxicity of the two extremes of PvP minorities: The "pro" elitsts who believe their "skill" entitles them to dictate how the entire community plays a game, and the bottom tier players who want everything they die to nerfed into oblivion to compensate for their lack of ability, that has been prevalent across every FPS shooter since Call of Duty. The former group is also what tends to spawn hackers and DDoS cheaters; the elitist mentality seeps down into the rest of the community and makes those who lose, desperate to win.
Now, since those toxic minorities cannot really be cut out of the game, and because Bungie has a tendency to be weak-willed and cave to the demands of these cancerous players (looking at you, Jon Weisnewski), there are truly only two fixes.
[b]1) A progressive weapon customization/building system.[/b] Everyone starts with vanilla guns. You gather parts for these guns via bounties, collection beacons on worlds, and buying from the Gunsmith. You take the weapon hierarchy and build through it: Common, to Uncommon, to Rare, to Legendary, to Exotic. As you build/upgrade these weapons, the challenges become progressively harder. Perhaps acquiring certain parts from Bosses (e.g. Crux of Crota) would require a special challenge, such as downing Crota with a high RoF AR, or killing the Swordbearer with Eidolon Ally. (Those are simple examples, the former not to be taken seriously).
[b]2) Remove PvP from the game entirely.[/b] PvP has felt an afterthought in this game from the beginning. The mechanics of Destiny don't mesh well with a PvP environment, especially considering the aforementioned issues regarding PvP-centric players as a whole. The depth and potential of Destiny, IMO, cannot be reached as long as we have these selfish, egotistical and immature PvP players going at each others throats, and mudslinging with arbitrary KDRs.
I have only ever seen great teamwork and elation through cooperating in Destiny's PvE with the exception of random matchmaking. We don't need toxic, self-centered, hyper-competitive children ruining that sense of community. If you have an attitude centered towards either of the extremes I mentioned above, or if you feel the need to constantly gripe about dying to X weapon, then go play Call of Duty, because those attitudes thrive there, and that is why CoD is dying.
Now, with all of these things being said, I am not against legitimate complaints on issues with the game. Things such as lack of story development, repetitive strikes and bullet sponging bosses SHOULD be addressed. However, no real progress can be made in making the game deeper, or more intriguing, as long as these few people continue to stonewall the forums with cries of "NERF" for the sake of their bruised egos and shattered pride.
Destiny has a LOT of potential. That potential cannot be reached with PvP in its current state, as far as I am concerned. Ultimately, due to the toxicity of the players, I'd be ecstatic if PvP were removed entirely, but I doubt it will happen. I liked PvP for a little bit, but it got incredibly boring and frustrating due to lag, and a lack of depth. PvP is only going to continue to take away from what Destiny could truly be: An expansive world with a far deeper lore than could be covered on any number of Grimoire cards.
You can't Become Legend, in a world that was sold as a fairy tale.
I disagree with point two about doing away with PvP. When it's lag free, it's probably the second funnest PvP I've played (Timesplitters 2 is tops).
That said, every nerf sucks a bit more of the life out of it.
What I do agree 1000% on is that we should start with base weapons and unlock upgrades. This game would be absolutely epic if we could build our weapons as we went.
Also agree that rng kills this game. If every weapon were obtainable by completing specific actions, no one would have excuses to call for nerfs to weapons they don't have.
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