The Taken King should be changed to The King of Taken your Money.
The DLC is overpriced at $40.
It is not worth $40...Activi$ we ALL well disgusting when it comes to scamming people.
Destiny is on its last leg with milking beyond belief since both Bungie and Activi$ion know that all the good games are coming out soon (SW Battlefront, Uncharted 4, Deus Ex, Doom, Fallout 4, Dishonored 2, Need for Speed 2015, etc.)
This [url][/url] is the King of Taken your 💰's theme song.
Reduce the price at whats truly worth ($20) or you WILL lose sales Bungie and Activi$on........
talk about those $200 titan action figures xD
You can't stop me from throwing money at the screen!
OK let's talk playtime and destiny. How many hours? Compared to another game most people have easily gotten their money's worth several times over. Don't understand the QQ lol
LOL yep except I'm paying 80 dollars, that's right I'm rebuying the entire game..i bought the ps4 bundle and can't wait to pay bungie 80 more for the game again! I have no problem paying for a game that I an enjoying that keeps getting better and better! I have a job make good money own my house pay all my bills, and will keep paying as long as I am enjoying it! As for the people that have nothing better to do then sit around and bitch and moan about anything and everything, I'm sorry! Sucks to be you!
The preorder deal is exactly what you are wanting it to be if you do not have any of the dlc. You get all 3 packs for 60 bucks. I have more than gotten my money's worth from Destiny and will continue to HAPPILY spend my money on it. No one is making you buy it. Activision and Bunjie can and should charge 40 if they can sell it for that. Their goal is to make money and at a 40 dollar price point people are still buying. So go get your head out of your butt and realize that it is your choice to buy it and no one is making you pay 40 dollars for it. They have done something right if they can get you to pay that. Capitalism in all its beauty strikes again
It's worth. Two new planets, a BUNCH of weapons, a new raid, new subclasses, a new social space (I believe), and we get to have the fun of kicking huge ass
try $70 in australia. The aussie tax in full swing
I'm buying $40 edition and wen it comes out upgrading for $60
Wow you sure out a lot of thought into this post...
A trip to the movies will run me $10 and last two hours. So for $40 I can go to the movies 4 times in a month and have 8 hours of entertainment, or, I can buy TTK and play several hundred hours before I get bored. What a terrible value.
[quote] It is not worth $40...Activi$ we ALL well disgusting when it comes to scamming people. ......[/quote] Your opinion does not mean we [i]all[/i] think this way......
[quote]It is not worth $40...Activi$ we ALL well disgusting when it comes to scamming people.[/quote] Cool, you have an opinion. Time to stop talking like its fact. I preordered ttk because contrary to your idiotic perspective, worth or value is relative to the consumer. And I, along with plenty other consumers, see this as reasonable, and worth our money.
Oh my -blam!-ing God... I've seen WAY too many of these posts. [i]Hey, let's assume we know absolutely EVERYTHING about The Taken King and assume it won't be worth it![/i] This is just ridiculous. The DLC has yet to release! No one knows for sure if it is worth it or not.
There have been 10+ games already that were guaranteed to "kill" destiny. What happened?
What do you care what I do with my money.
40 dollars= a movie for 2 + snacks Rather have a dlc
Damnit u made me realize how it's only a month and a half till its out. I wish I could preorder it but I'm on 360. Buying it the day it comes out
If you don't like it then leave already. If half these people that talk shit would stand up for what they say and go, then I'm pretty sure bungie would notice the drop in the player base and POSSIBLY reconsider their current strategies. Possibly. But the problem here is that all these people who claim they aren't going to buy TTK either have already purchased it or are planning on purchasing it. Why else would they stick around? Are you gonna tell me that you are really going to keep wasting your time on a game that you are no longer going to invest in? Or that HoW has really given you enough content to still be playing several months later? Please.
Funny how you think it is overpriced. You know what is overpriced? $20 for 9 aesthetics that do nothing for you other than make you look different. Get your broke ass a job.
I'm not preordering it. I'll be out in the wild for a few months. Be back around Nov and if everyone says it is worth it then maybe I will but for some reason I get the feeling this will be just another expansion that they say is going to add so much and then you realize half the shit you wouldn't use. IE weapons with shank burn or weapons from vendors that are all just meh and nothing special. At least in my case I can get some perspective before dishing out another 40 when I've already spent 100 on the game and 2 expansions
I'll buy 2, to make up for the one you won't buy - gotta keep their sales figures up!!! [spoiler]LOL[/spoiler]
Lol $40 try £40 that's a massive difference, you live in the U.S. And get it a lot cheaper. Quit your bitching
Out of all the bad rip off names for TTK, this is probably the second worse. I've seen some shit.
Oh wow thanks for the post i didn't know about this at all. [spoiler]now im buying it lmao[/spoiler]
Its not overpriced u can choose to buy it as a whole new game for $60
Pretty sure 100 big ones here in Australia so quit moaning