I am glad I waited.
Hell, I had so many engrams at the post office, including a couple of rank up packages the day HoW dropped. I got another LDR and kept it for my Warlock.
I have 5 LDR 5001, 1 Longboaw Synthesis, and 3 Pre-How Efrideets Spear (these are set up for PvE, no scrub Final Round).
If I had one I would not want a pre-HoW Efrideet's with final round. I like the return ammo on a kill perk, it was the field scout I would rather have.
Two of mine are Surplus, Field Scout, and Clown Cartridge, one is On Spawn may get additional ammo, Field Scout, and Firefly. I will hate having to get rid of them as they are Boss Killers.